- Ellerian, I'm sorry, I said something stupid! I get it! Just each one of them. It's not easy to comprehend what you're talking about, it takes a long time to learn. But I have seen the beauty of the gems, and I understand it. Tingol, King of Doriaf, loved gems very much, and this love destroyed him...
- Let's not talk about sadness today! Fate has come to pass, and you can't change it anymore," Nolde calmed down, spoke quietly, sat down on the grass. - Every stone has strength, you will be able to hear it and summon it - it will help you in any matter. And so are the metals. How to understand the power of steel, how to make it strong to cut even the stone, and at the same time flexible as a willow rod? And how much work and knowledge does it take to call metal from the ground to your service? Find the ore vein, see it in the ground, extract the ore so as not to disturb the other layers... You can just bluntly hit a rock with a heavy crowbar, wasting a lot of energy, disturbing the earth and causing it unnecessary pain ... And you can find a special point, lightly press it - and a pile of ore will fall to your feet - take it and take it to the melting furnace!
Ellerian slightly suffocated from the passionate protection of his people's favorite work, the deeds of their fairy tales. Then she smiled and covered Trandil's hand with her hand:
- You, too, forgive me, my friend, for my fervor. But I am Noldeh, and I love my people...
- I understand... - The Lord of the Forest People sighed quietly. Every reminder that they were from different nations was given in their souls with a vague pain. - From the very childhood, I got used to listening to the music of the forest... All the kvandis hear it, as well as the singing of the stars, but it is not easy to understand all the shades of this melody either. Look at this huge oak - it's more than ten centuries old. The sound of his music is filled with unbelievable power, he has lived through so many winters and met so many springs that now he is philosophical, calm, nothing will disturb his inner balance, even death... But look - this thin blade of grass also has a strong song, but quite different, impetuous. She is in a hurry to live. It will catch a ray of sun, swallow a drop of water and immediately open its bright flowers, scatter a delicate, conscript flavor in all directions... And all this to quickly tie the seeds, throw them in the ground - all in the name of life! Her age is short - you have to catch up! A thin bylink is threatened by drought and frost. Or a horse will approach, pinch the grass... But then the life of the plant will hide in the root, will accumulate strength, will wait for a warm day and will rise to the sun new sprouts... And you know, Ellerian, I like to listen to the singing of the forest choir - when the voices of all the plants, large and small, merge into one great melody. This music fills the whole world to the stars, flows through you, and you dissolve into it... You feel like everyone - from a small bylin to a huge oak tree, you are flowing in time, from a tiny seed to an uncovered trunk, you hear the whole world, and the world hears you...
Noldeh looked at the king of the forest with her grey eyes wide open and shining with amazement and delight.
- I didn't know you could speak so beautifully... How beautiful it is... How new it is to me, incredible, wonderful... And how I would like to feel such a miracle...
Ellerian shut her eyes, covering her eyes, and experiencing Trandyl's amazing speech again. Yes, they don't look alike - Sindar and Noldor, they are shared by misunderstandings, long-standing grievances. The two peoples have different aspirations and goals, their favorite activities, vocation, lifestyle is very different ... But they are all CWANDY. They are able to feel this world deeply and fully, listen to and comprehend Ard's life... They are those who are always here. And all the kvandis are able to understand each other... If they want...
Trandil was also silent. The king of the forest thought that he would like to invite the beautiful Ellie to Great Greenwood more than anything else in the world... To learn to listen to the majestic, marvelous music of the ancient forest... To present all the songs of light stars and ringing streams, sparkling shimmering winter snows and charming aroma of spring flowers... But it will not go! Proud maiden Noldor will never descend to the "forest savage". You knew that you couldn't hear the arrogant refusal. And the seal of silence lay on the tight lips of the Forest King.
* * *
Despite these unhappy thoughts, Sindh and Noldeh continued to meet. The Grand Council was long over, and almost all the participants had already left. King Amroth went to the pass across the Mount of Smooth Mountains. Tranduila called with him "before the passes fell asleep", but he said he wouldn't go home on the northern route. Then he left the western path of Lord Kirden. He said that he could not stay away from the sea for long. People and dwarves were also in a hurry to their people, unlike elves, they used to cherish every minute. Only Galadriel and Keleborne were in no hurry, and the beautiful Noldee was happy to stay with her family. The king of Great Zelenossia also extended his stay in the hospitable House of Elrond...
Every evening Tranduil and Ellerian met in the garden, then went to wander around, or climbed into one of their favorite places. And again, the fascinating and fascinating posture began between them.
The Forest King couldn't decide to order the departure. Although he understood that it was necessary to do so. As soon as possible. But Trandyl simply could not imagine how he would live without these meetings under the stars, without such interesting and instructive talks ... Although Nolde was much younger than him, her knowledge was unusually broad, her outlook was very different from that of a forest dweller, and she looked at the world as if from several levels at once: here and then the usual perception of "here and now", and the view in time - a sense of the past and the future, and the VIEWING of the plexus of fate of the individual with the fate of the world ... The girl and her friend Sinda taught to look at each event from several sides. After talking to her, Tranduil began to look at many things differently... But how long can this strange friendship continue?! And how will it end? Ellerian never once hinted that the king of Zelenolesie for her more than just a friend. So why humiliate herself?