Walter Rathenau was born in the family of a well-known German entrepreneur, the founder of the famous electrotechnical concern AEG ("Allgemeine Elektritsitet geselypaft"). German historian G. Ogger ranks the Rathenau and Siemens family among the few who gave strength to the German electrical industry and helped it achieve world recognition.
Walter's father, Emil Rathenau, came from a wealthy Jewish family of Berlin Industrialists and merchants. Emil studied mechanical engineering in Hanover and Zurich, worked as a designer at Borsig's firm. He was noted for his hard work, sharp mind and exceptional interest in technology. Emil spent some time in England, deepening his knowledge. Returning to Germany, with funds inherited from his grandfather, he bought together with a friend of his youth "a small factory in a large garden." Emil soon married Matilda Nachman, the daughter of a prominent Berlin Jewish banker (who later went bankrupt and committed suicide). Emil Rathenau was a very hard-working engineer, entrepreneur, successful companion. Methods of doing business Emil took over from the Americans, clearly imitating Rockefeller. He was one of the first in Germany to appreciate the merits of the so-called "holding company" - a holding firm commanding branches at home and abroad through holding a significant or even controlling stake. So there was a "subsidiary" of the company in Switzerland, Russia, and later in other countries.
In the late 1890s, AEG surpassed the strength and influence of many firms.
Emil Rathenau in Germany was on a par with the" king of metallurgy " Fritz Thiessen. In Germany itself, AEG was an example of the largest joint-stock company-monopolist. In 1912, AEG participated in 175-200 societies, dominating them, covering a total capital of about 1.5 billion marks. In 1915, Emil died and the AEG was headed by Walter Rathenau. By this time he managed a number of enterprises and foreign branches.
Son proved able engineer and an organizer, worked on 16 hours in clock. In many ways, with his father's help, Walter emerged as a model entrepreneur of the new formation. But the mind, talents of an engineer, scientist, banker combined in his son with the desire to participate in politics and public life, in the life of "light" and various spheres of art. The entrepreneur Rathenau was "his father's son." But Walter the man was different. He was formed under the strong influence of his mother Matilda. She was a kind of rich, musically gifted, with broad interests in the world of art and literature. From her passed Walter passion for philosophy, music, painting, literature. There were unusual business man reflection, dissatisfaction with themselves, craving for self-improvement, the desire to leave the world of business in the world of art.
Notable was the public interest and the ideals of the celebration. He was interested in politics, and he wanted to serve not only business, but also the Fatherland.
Rathenau the scientist
Walter was born on 28 (29) September 1867 in Berlin. He first went to school, then to the Royal Berlin gymnasium, where he studied philosophy, chemistry, physics and other subjects. Walter was not considered an exemplary student - he read little and worked little. It is surprising that mathematics in school future major engineer was given with great difficulty. Only before the end of the gymnasium in it has awakened interest to schooling by. He paid more attention to humanitarian subjects and dreamed of becoming an artist.
Subsequently, V. Rathenau was considered a man very knowledgeable in art (painting), his collection of paintings was transferred to the Frankfurt Museum. During his studies in high school manifested qualities that distinguished him all his life-a sense of responsibility and obligation.
In 1885 Walter began studying at the University of Berlin. He spent one academic year at the University of Strasbourg, then returned to the University of Berlin, where he studied physics, chemistry and philosophy. At the end of his in 1889 propulsion he presented to protecting work about takeover provisions of light metals, which then has become the Foundation his new exploration and inventions, embodied them same on production.
Walter successfully defended her thesis and received the degree of doctor of science. He then served (1890-1891) in the guards cuirassier regiment of Berlin. Military service was compulsory for a young subject of the Empire, but it did not leave a special mark on Rathenau's life. After leaving the regiment, a young specialist physicist begins a long career in the enterprises of his father's AE. For a number of years he has worked for companies within the sphere of influence of the powerful concern in both Germany and Switzerland. In 1893. The 26-year-old engineer becomes the Director of the electrical plant in Bitterfeld, where his scientific research is used. He takes part as a capable scientist and practitioner in the construction of large electrical installations in Germany, France and other countries.
A number of his discoveries, in particular, a method for producing alkali, chromium and chlorine electrolytically, working with chromium and iron, make it known in scientific and technical circles.