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Volcanic Ecuador


Ecuador is a land of volcanoes, and many of them are still active. However, locals are used to it somehow. Although they are still a little concerned about the 30 most important fire-breathing mountains in the country, many others are not taken into account below. The highest volcanoes are the almost six-meter high Cotopaxi and Chimboras, which are 6 300 meters high. They can cause serious trouble to people. With the slightest surge of seismic activity, volcanoes are able to break out the lava streams, destroying everything in their path. Underground shocks, even if they do not lead to a volcanic eruption, can be dangerous in themselves.

In March 1987, an earthquake in Ecuador severely damaged the main oil pipeline that brought oil from the east to the coast. As a result, the country was in an economic crisis. At the end of July 2000, residents of Quito, Ecuador's capital, witnessed a major volcanic outburst. People were very worried, remembering that just a few years ago the entire city was covered in ash and had to walk the streets in gauze bandages to avoid suffocation. But fortunately, there was no serious eruption. And the wind, which blew in the opposite direction from the city, did not allow the volcano Pichincha to bring down smoke and ashes on Quito. Residents and guests of the capital could admire the active volcano, feeling safe. Relative, of course, because the wind could change at any moment.

Tunguraho volcano scared the residents of Banyos very much. Banyos is a cozy and cozy town, very much loved by tourists. From here you can go down into the jungle, you can climb the mountains. In the vicinity of its lovers of rafting can find many interesting routes. Life in Banyos seems peaceful and almost idyllic. It is no coincidence that some hippies settled here and started their psychedelic journey from the USA to South America in the late 60s - early 70s. The combination of simple life, Indian aesthetics in clothes and marijuana turned out to be very attractive for children of flowers. Suddenly, volcanology experts say that the wonderful city of Banyos is in danger. The volcano Tunguraho, which hasn't woken up for many years, is preparing to erupt, and, apparently, the lava streams will fall on Banyos. Many of the city's residents have hastily left their homes and moved to the surrounding villages and to the nearest, relatively large city of Riobamba. But Banyos did not lose hope. The churches prayed for salvation from the disaster, and the city authorities also supported the optimism as much as they could.

The eruption did take place. But Tunguraho volcano spared the city. The main lava streams passed through the slope further from Banyos. And the lava that flowed towards the city stopped at some two hundred meters from the first houses. Many believe that Banyos owes its salvation to the patronage of St. Martin. His statue stands on a hill at the entrance to the city. The volcanic lava has stopped moving at the foot of the hill. By the way, strange as it may seem, St. Martin is depicted here in black. Usually Negroes depict one of the Magi, and even St. Maurice. St. Martin was quite European. Is there any confusion here? But the residents of the city are sure that it is St. Martin.

Banyos is now reborn. There are still abandoned houses here, but most of the residents have returned. The city is again open to tourists who are not scared away by a volcanic eruption. On the contrary, they hope that Tunguraho will try to entertain them and give them another performance. Along with the tourists, the merchants have also returned, offering to buy anything. From the almost real ancient statuettes created before the Incas came and helping the man to become enduring and inventive in love, to the not too high test of Ecuadorian silver. In general, life boils. Citizens see no reason to refuse to celebrate the anniversary of the founding of the city. After all, they celebrate it every year with a parade, fair and other entertainment. And no volcano is a hindrance to them in this.