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What kind of products can help cheer you up?

The source: https://www.pinterest.ru/pin/436778863856835423/?nic=1
The source: https://www.pinterest.ru/pin/436778863856835423/?nic=1

Serotonin is a chemical known for its effect on the brain, particularly on mood. Maintaining the balance of serotonin helps us to stay calm, promotes psychic activity, control and increased resistance to stress, as well as a sense of well-being. We present a dozen foods that help you to increase serotonin levels and improve your mood.

Serotonin is essentially a neurotransmitter, a chemical that is involved in transmitting signals from one part of the brain to another. Of the approximately 40 million brain cells, most are directly or indirectly exposed to serotonin. These include cells responsible for mood, sexual attraction, and sexual function, sleep, appetite, learning ability, including memory, temperature regulation and social behavior. Researchers believe that low levels of serotonin, or because it does not reach the cellular receptor, lead to mental health problems such as depression and anxiety. Most pharmaceutical antidepressants are based on improved serotonin absorption by the body.

The diet has a significant impact on the body's serotonin supply. Tryptophan, an amino acid, is a "building material" that our body uses to produce serotonin. Food with a high content of tryptophan is dairy products, nuts, poultry meat. In order to maintain the balance of brain chemistry, it is recommended that food rich in tryptophan and other mood-enhancing nutrients be included in the diet.

1. nuts and seeds. Researchers at the University of Barcelona have found that people who use almonds, walnuts and Brazil nuts have higher levels of serotonin metabolites (metabolic intermediates). Moreover, only 30 grams of a mixture of these nuts a day will also help to fight obesity and reduce blood pressure and blood sugar.

2. Oceanic fish from cold seas, such as salmon and tuna, which are mercury-free, contain omega-3 fatty acids to alleviate the symptoms of depression. Recent research at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine has shown that participants in clinical studies with higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids in the blood had fewer symptoms of depression and a more positive outlook.

3. Docosahexaenoic acid (polyunsaturated fatty acid, DHA) is a special form of omega-3 fatty acid found in a wide range of products. In particular, enriched with organic DHA eggs, they are a source of proteins and tryptophan. Studies published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition have found that people who eat eggs for breakfast feel more satisfied and therefore need fewer calories during the day than those whose breakfast consisted of high carbohydrate foods, such as cereal-based foods.

4. Flax seeds are another rich source of omega-3 fatty acids. They also contain magnesium and B vitamins - nutrients that help to cope with stress.

5. Soy isoflavones also cheer up and regulate mental functions. This food is also a rich source of vegetarian (neocholesterol) proteins, which also reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Include soy products in your daily diet, namely soy milk and its derivatives: tofu, tempo, miso.

6. As you know, fruits and vegetables also improve the mood. Eat asparagus, lentils, Turkish peas, beans, zucchini and yams (sweet potatoes). Do not ignore magnesium-rich leafy vegetables, apples, peaches, bananas, and artichokes.

7. Previously, you may have given up avocado because it's a high-calorie product that contains fats. But on the other hand, this fruit contains omega-3 fatty acids, amino acids, antioxidants, and potassium.

8. Avoid treated, purified cereals (known to reduce energy). Instead, use whole grains: brown rice, wild rice, barley and spelled (a kind of wheat). Whole untreated cereals, fiber-rich carbohydrates will help to improve your mood and maintain it throughout the day, instead of the feeling of energy saturation that you experience when you chew a white flour item or just sugar.

9. The view that turkey and other bird species contain large amounts of degreased protein and tryptophan is true. But stick to the principle of moderation when eating foods containing peanut butane acid (AA), including foods of animal origin. Some studies have shown that switching to plant-based foods can help maintain a good spirit. However, when you include a bird in your diet, make sure that the organic food you eat does not contain chemicals that can affect your body's serotonin balance.