The human eye does not see everything - for example, we cannot see the radiation that, along with the light rays, emit stars and other cosmic bodies. Together with the rays of visible light, they form a so-called electromagnetic spectrum. By studying the invisible parts of the spectrum with the help of special instruments, astronomers have made many discoveries, including the discovery of a huge cloud of anti-particles over our galaxy, as well as giant black holes devouring everything around us.
Hot stars emit large amounts of ultraviolet radiation, while micro- and radio waves are signs of cold gas clouds. It has recently been established that the sudden release of gamma rays, the cause of which for a long time could not be understood by scientists, testifies to dramatic events in distant galaxies. By studying the ultraviolet radiation of celestial bodies, astronomers learn about the processes taking place in the depths of the stars. Research conducted by satellites that detect infrared radiation helps scientists understand what is at the heart of the Milky Way and other galaxies. To get a detailed picture of other galaxies, astronomers connect radio telescopes located at opposite ends of the Earth.
We are well aware of the planets that revolve around our star, the Sun. Do other stars have planets? Scientists believe there must be. But it is extremely difficult to detect them. Even the nearest star to us is so far from the Earth that even in a powerful telescope seems like a small luminous point. But any planet is thousands of times smaller, and it means that it is just as difficult to see it. Therefore, scientists are trying to find new planets, determining the smallest changes in the position of stars in space and detailed analysis of the structure of their light. And recently the fact of existence of planets in other systems has been confirmed. Now even the possibility of their shooting is being discussed. However, because of the dust surrounding the Earth, quality photos can be obtained only from a space probe located in the outer part of the solar system.
- Darwin Probe
The Darwin Probe, which scientists are currently working on, will be involved in the search for planets of other star systems. It will be equipped with several telescopes located 100 m away from the center and associated lasers. "Darwin will orbit between Mars and Jupiter. The stars are much larger than the planets. And yet the gravity of the planet affects the movement of the star around which it rotates, and astronomers can see how the stars, making their way, slightly twitch. The number and intensity of these vibrations give an idea of the size of the planet. The light of the star contains different colors. Scientists know how to split starlight into colors - just as light splits on the surface of a CD. The spectrum of light of a star can tell what it consists of and whether it has planets. I wonder what is there on other planets? Can a person live somewhere other than the Earth? In all likelihood, no. Even on the planets of the Solar System, living conditions are completely unsuitable for human beings. The planets of other worlds can have toxic gases in the atmosphere, and the radiation of many stars is harmful to humans.
Since the launch of the first shuttle in April 1981, this type of spacecraft has been in space more than 90 times with a variety of missions - from the launch of secret military satellites to the maintenance of the Hubble telescope. And the shuttle "Atlantis" made a training flight in preparation for the construction of the international space station, during which it was docked with the Russian station "Mir". Here are some interesting facts about the shuttles: The shuttles have the largest space crews - up to 10 people; The shuttle has such a huge cargo compartment - 18 m long and 4. 5 m wide that even a bus can fit in it; The shuttles and the Mir were the largest artificial object in Earth"s orbit at the time of the docking - together they weighed 200 tons.