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Asteroid formation
Asteroids from different places of the ring come in differently effective, and the debris in the vicinity of Earth"s orbit may not be representative of those objects that are moving beyond the orbit of Mars. And only the slowest and strongest of them survive in the Earth"s atmosphere, which leads to further selection. Currently, a lot of attention is paid to the problem of possible collision of asteroids...
5 лет назад
Asteroid temperature and asteroid substance
Asteroids through cold, lifeless bodies. In the distant past, their depths could be warm and even hot due to radioactive or other sources of heat. Since then, they have long since cooled down. However, the internal heat never warmed the surface: the flow of the heat from the bowels was unacceptably small. The surface layers remained cold, and only collisions caused from time to time a short local heating up. The only constant source of heat for the asteroids remains the distant Sun and therefore heating very badly...
5 лет назад
Asteroids near Earth
Almost 3/4 centuries people did not suspect that not all asteroids move between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. But in the early morning of June 14, 1873, James Watson opened the asteroid "Aerta" at the Ann Arbor Observatory (USA). This object was tracked for only three weeks, and then it was lost. However, the results of determining the orbit, although inaccurate, convincingly showed that Aerta is moving inside the orbit of Mars. Asteroids, which would have been approaching the Earth"s orbit, remained unknown until the end of the XIX century...
5 лет назад
International Space Station and search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence
For the last 30 years, manned research stations (Russian Mir and Salute, American Skylab) have played an important role in space exploration. The astronauts working on them conducted various experiments. These studies provided valuable information about life in space The Mir station, launched into orbit in 1986, has completed its service life. With the completion of the construction of the international space station, which is being created by the joint efforts of America, Russia, the European Space Agency, Japan, Canada and Italy, the era of new-generation spacecraft will begin...
5 лет назад
Big Bang. Big compression. The opening of the comet and Hubble telescope
We owe many great discoveries to amateur astronomers who spend hours in the dark looking at the night sky. Many new stars and comets, such as the Hale-Bopp comet, have been discovered by amateurs. Most often an amateur astronomer makes a discovery, watching a small part of the night sky for a long time and checking his observations with the map. This is the only way for an amateur to discover something worthwhile. As a rule, they make their discoveries by accident. The Hale-Bopp comet was also discovered on occasion...
5 лет назад
Outer space
Galactic research Galaxies are giant star systems scattered across the endless distances of the universe. In the past, astronomers knew little about galaxies. Distant foggy objects attracted increased attention only after the invention of the telescope. Gradually more than 100 such objects were discovered, and already in the XVIII century, the first catalog of nebulae was made (nebulae - cosmic clusters of gas and dust, can be prolonged in several thousand light-years. Many nebulae are remnants of exploded stars or supernovae)...
5 лет назад
Planetary studies
Martian studies A number of recent scientific discoveries have been made about Mars. Until 2005, it is planned to carry out 10 flights to this planet, but so far only the American space probe "Pathfinder" touched the Martian surface...
5 лет назад
Into outer space!
The universe is so huge that astronomers have not yet been able to establish how big it is! However, thanks to the latest advances in science and technology, we have learned a lot about space and our place in it. In the last 50 years, people have had the opportunity to leave the Earth and study the stars and planets, not only watching them through telescopes, but also receiving information directly from space. The satellites that are being launched are equipped with sophisticated equipment that...
5 лет назад
Out of sight
The human eye does not see everything - for example, we cannot see the radiation that, along with the light rays, emit stars and other cosmic bodies. Together with the rays of visible light, they form a so-called electromagnetic spectrum. By studying the invisible parts of the spectrum with the help of special instruments, astronomers have made many discoveries, including the discovery of a huge cloud of anti-particles over our galaxy, as well as giant black holes devouring everything around us...
5 лет назад
The vast universe
Universe is the eternal mystery of being, an enticing mystery forever. For there is no end to knowledge. There is only the continuous overcoming of the limits of the unknown. But as soon as this step is taken, new horizons open up. And behind them - new secrets. So it was, and so it will always be. Especially in the knowledge of Space. The word "space" comes from the Greek "kosmos", synonymous with the astronomical definition of the universe. The Universe is understood to be the entire existing...
5 лет назад