To begin with, a bit of a general theory about the forms of government and political regimes.
Throughout the course of its development, mankind has undergone various forms of organization of joint life activities to meet various needs: community, clan, tribe, state, etc. Something from these associations is not familiar to us, to modern people, something is forgotten for a long time, and something plays a huge role even now. The state occupies a special place in this list.
The first states appeared in IV - III B.C. in the valleys of the Nile and Euphrates rivers, in Egypt and the Dvurechye. Later, some states disappeared forever, leaving nothing about themselves, and others appeared in their place. The states were different: slave-owning, feudal, socialist, capitalist. But there were states. And now life outside the state is difficult to imagine.
The picture of the states of the modern world now looks as follows: the United Nations includes 193 member states and 2 observer states (the Holy See (the Vatican) and the State of Palestine), 6 states are partially recognized, 5 states - unrecognized; 1 - territory with an uncertain status. As we can see, despite the fact that we live in the XXI century, we have mastered outer space, stepped forward in many areas of science and technology, but we have not yet been able to understand within our own world. And still in many parts of the world there are regions, different in size of their territory, their population speaks different languages, has different religions and traditions, but they have one goal: recognition of the independence of their statehood.
So, the state. What is this form of unification of people, which has a thousand-year history?
The state is a rather complex political organization with different functions, forms, principles of education, territorial division, its ideology and structure, its internal and foreign policy. Throughout human history, we will not be able to find two twin states. Each state is unique.
In order to understand, understand and understand "what the state should be", I have chosen the theme "Forms of state structure. Political regime".
The topic of the state structure and the most appropriate political regime has been a matter of concern to the minds of our ancestors since the ancient period. And it is still relevant now. First of all, it is connected with the fact that these two institutions are one of the fundamental categories of legal science and the most important political and legal features of any state. All state and legal development of the country depends to a great extent on the choice of one or another method of organization of power.
From ancient times to the present day, the problem of choosing the optimal state form has been the subject of lively discussions among representatives of science and politics. But if in ancient times ordinary people could not influence the choice of the form of the state system, which was imposed on them, now the events are developing differently. A striking example is the various armed conflicts around the world related to national self-determination movements.
My goal is to begin by revealing the concepts and types of forms of government and political regimes.
This goal of the study is realized through the following tasks:
Disclose the concepts of "form of government" and "political regime";
To consider the types of the form of the state structure and political-legal regimes.
Briefly describe the forms of government and political regimes and show the distinctive features of each.
The form of the state structure and political regime as one of the elements of the state is devoted to a significant number of researches and works written not only by political scientists, but also by lawyers. In the Russian press in the last decade there appeared a large number of articles devoted to the problems of federalism. And it is not by chance: scientists are interested in the status of modern federations, the role of subjects, their interrelation with each other and with the federal center, the development of democratic and non-democratic societies.