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All about hair and skin health

Hair loss after childbirth is a cause for panic? (Part 2)

Well, there shouldn't be any panic here, childbirth and the postnatal period - natural processes, laid down by nature. The state will return to the norm of SELF, nothing should be done with it. No matter what you do, until all the hair that you have to fall out, you will not see any new hair, it is physically impossible.


It is impossible to stop the loss of anything - no vitamins, scrubs, masks, or even more shampoos. The only thing that can be achieved by this is a kind of "psychotherapy" - I have a problem, a loss, and I, well done, do not sit idly by, but do something - rubbing.

One more very conditionally positive moment of "rubbing" - you will quickly remove from your head all the hair in the stage of the telogen, i.e. all the hairs that should have fallen out in the near future (due to increased mechanical action and strengthening of microcirculation in the scalp). Is it good or bad? It's up to you.

Comb your head for 1200 hairs per day for a month or 460 hairs per day for three months, each with its own. But this is the effect you will get from the oil, salt, and heating masks at the stage of active loss.

In particular, hormonal fluctuations can give impetus to chronic hair loss, namely - androgenic alopecia. I will devote a separate article to this sad topic, but in the meantime let's return to the current topic.

In 99% of cases, postnatal prolapse goes without a trace and hair fully recovers. Therefore, if you have a balanced diet (breastfeeding is just a miracle) and there is no shortage of vitamins (and their pediatricians cancel almost every first lactating mother because of allergic reactions of the child), it is possible to repeat something worse, it will not be worse.

A number of remedies, including "folk" - especially "warming up" (pepper, mustard, essential oils, etc.) together with massage from rubbing the local blood flow, which, in principle, is not bad.

So it is possible to achieve and some acceleration of growth, and even, conditionally speaking, "strengthening". Thus you intensively supply the follicle with blood, which carries nutrients.

And lastly.

Let's not forget that the "beauty industry" is a very profitable industry, and women are emotional beings. On a wave of panic from hair loss how not to buy colorful banners or exciting advertising on TV, assuring that it is their magic bottle with no less magical content will help to stop the fallout in a couple of days, and at the same time increase the density and thickness of hair?

I will explain what I mean by the example of one classic set.

Without names, let's take the preparation "X" - a remedy for hair loss and growth. What are we promised in exchange for ... dollars per bubble?

Innovative lotion contains a unique highly active extract of plant stem cells of apple trees with epidermal growth factor, has a powerful regenerating effect at the cellular level, slowing down the process of follicle aging. It is an antioxidant. Restores damaged and weak hair follicles stimulates sleeping hair follicles and hair growth.

How beautiful it sounds, right?

Let's consider the first promise - the awakening of "sleeping" follicles, the restoration of the bulb.

Let's start with the fact that the number of follicles on the human head is much higher than the number of follicles growing hair (about a million compared to 70-150 thousand). These non-functional follicles are called "sleeping", "reserve" and they are, for reasons still unknown to science, all life is at rest without growing hair.

The number of "working" follicles is genetic and cannot be changed. With big reservations there are serious preparations (about which we will talk in a theme about a chronic loss) which to some extent are capable to bring back to life "extinct" follicles, but the means capable to "awaken" reserve follicles or to increase quantity of operating follicles, for today in the world NO (by the way, scientists work on this problem, being engaged in perspective working out of cloning of hair).

As for the "aging" of hair and follicle, as well as the "restoration" of the bulb, based on the structure of hair and the natural cycle of his life, it is not clear to me why "restore" the bulb, if it still dies out after the allotted time, as well as how can you "slow down" the aging of the follicle if it is genetically programmed for about 25 cycles of hair growth?

These promises can be removed. But it is also promised to "restore the effect at the cellular level". Maybe it's true at least? Let's see. What do open sources tell us about stem cells?

What can an apple tree growing out of its stem cells? That's right, other cells...appletree. Are you going to raise them on your head? I hope it's obvious that you and appletree are different species?

So if you suddenly want to help an appletree that suffers from alopecia, you can buy her this lotion as a gift, maybe she will be grateful.

Until then, save your money.