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A snack at work

The source: https://www.pinterest.ru/pin/409335053621797739/
The source: https://www.pinterest.ru/pin/409335053621797739/

Although breakfast and dinner can be a "common language", lunch is often a real problem for working people. Indeed, there is nothing to boil and sit at the table like a human being, and there are no plates at home.

Of course, you have two options. The first is to have lunch in the office canteen, if there is one, or to visit the nearest cafe. However, if you calculate such expenses for food, you will get a significant amount of money for a month, which is likely to be needed more for family planning. In addition, the menu of catering establishments does not always match your gastronomic tastes.

And the second option is to trust advertising and buy so-called "bag lunches" - noodles, soups, and mashed potatoes. But think about whether your body will withstand a constant dose of dyes and artificial additives (at least once carefully read the ingredients on the package). Only one thing remains - if you need to save money in today's crisis, it is better to take lunch with you.

Although the office, of course, does not have such convenient conditions for lunch as at home, you still need to eat healthy food - because it's about your health! Therefore, get acquainted with the basic rules of "working" nutrition and choose the best for yourself.

1. have breakfast at home. If you have this problem, that is, in the morning there is no appetite - be sure to consult a gastroenterologist: there is a high probability of stomach disease.

2. Think about your colleagues. If you have no other choice but to have lunch at the table, you should be attentive to your colleagues. Meals shouldn't be too fragrant - you're not alone in the office, and that can be a nuisance to others.

3. Do not refuse lunch, even if you decide to lose weight. Firstly, you risk eating twice as much for dinner, and secondly, to earn gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases. So you should eat: a) regularly b) evenly. Lunch should be at least 35% of the total daily consumption.

4. working food should be based on vegetables and fruits and lean meat or fish. Ideal for lunch - a piece of chicken or beef fillet and salad. Food rich in proteins (particularly meat) increases metabolism. And when you digest such products, it is the active release of gastric juice. But what's good for lunch can damage the evening - in the evening, stomach activity slows down and nutrients are absorbed much worse.

5. Repleish your energy supply. Products such as nuts such as almonds, walnuts or peanuts (only natural, not salty or sweet) contain large amounts of carbohydrates. So if you're tired and your mental capacity drops, instead of drinking another cup of coffee, try nuts and the energy will increase.

6. It also quenches hunger with dried fruits. It is a completely natural food, without dyes or preservatives, but with calcium (for healthy bones), potassium (to improve the nervous system), magnesium (to normalize blood pressure) and iron (against anemia).

7. If you are hungry, switch to yogurt and kefir. Firstly, it is calcium, which many of us have very little. And secondly, the guarantee that during the day you will eat much less chocolate bars, crackers. And, most importantly, you will not be surprised - how it so happens that you have almost nothing to eat, and restored a few pounds, in addition, you are short of vitamins.

8. Do you want something sweet? Then pay attention to fruit marmalade. After all, it includes gelatin, which is very useful for the muscles and health of nails and skin. And pectin helps to eliminate toxins and toxins.

9. Caffeine is a very controversial component. However, if your work is related to mental activity, do not give up chocolate and coffee. These products will help you get rid of headaches and relieve tension. But know the measure: a small enough cup of natural coffee.

10. Now that the cold winter is almost at the doorstep, including fatty foods in your diet. That's right because our muscles need energy. And fats help to maintain the right temperature in the body.

11. Nourish at the same time so that the body gets used to the regime and gives juice for digestion. So always eat a healthy apple, banana or yogurt. But don't drink, hoping to "kill" your appetite in this way - the liquid will only dilute your stomach juice.