Everything's for you and because of you.
Then I developed a personal concentration of the different techniques in order to bring a maximum of benefits during personalized treatments that can sometimes extend beyond two hours (without changing the rate of the service)... A few years after the last one arrived "My JOY"... Although a 3rd Caesarean section was necessary, everything went wonderfully well at all levels. These designations, which are rightly attributed to each of my children, first of all in a distinct way, are powerful values that I can globally attribute to each of them on the basis of the "Unconditional Love" that we have towards each other.
My last training course, carried out in 2018 by Dr. Luc Bodin (doctor of medicine, clinical oncology graduate and specialist in natural medicines), is designed to help people with cancer and to support and accompany their overall healing process: the development of self-healing skills, the stimulation of immunity, the dynamisation of the mind with various practical exercises help everyone to become an actor in their healing.Positive thoughts, visualizations and assertions, mindfulness meditation practice, all of these boost vital energy and help to find life goals that make you want to move forward. sophro-relaxation and personal development techniques but also manual energy therapies can free you from the chains of the past, repressed emotions and limiting beliefs, by opening up to the events and emotions that could be at the origin of the disease.Genetic and environmental factors, nutrition and new natural molecules are highlighted and allow awareness and openness to change and transformation. cancer is a disease with multifactorial causes, nothing should be neglected. traditional medicine does not have time to look at all the previous causes that caused the disease to reveal itself.The combination of conventional and alternative therapies gives much better results, and the following people have given me the thirst to learn and understand and share all this with as many of you as possible. Even if some of their research disturbs you, I advise you to make your own opinion by really reading their writings before listening to the reviews:- Dr Luc BODIN (quoted above)- Dr Franck OEHLENSCHLAGERhttps://www.heilpraktiker-en-bretagne.Dr. Jean-Jacques Charbonnier (anaesthetist/resuscitator, writer and lecturer) These are scientists, references due to their knowledge and experience as well as their internationally shared research. They awaken consciences and often their statements are disturbing, no more excuses, we can all move from ignorance to knowledge! Act and feel better every day! See the chapter "REFERENCES" on the website http://eveilzen.fr
I have, through my life experiences and by sharing those of my clients, had the opportunity to owe it to myself to find out what works and what doesn't.This effectiveness varies according to the openness of mind and the limiting beliefs that we accept or not to sweep away from each of our memories... I think I may have reached half of my life... so much to experience, to understand... I do not see myself stopping one day to share the different types of teachings that I can still receive and that awaken my body and my consciousness every day... my desire to live.The force that gave you life has also given you "free will" so I end with a quote full of Wisdom that speaks to me a lot.
"Oh my monks, do not accept my teaching because you believe, but check this teaching by subjecting it to an experience" - words of DALAI LAMA
photo taken from the Pixabay website