By the way, Turks almost always perceive their husbands as property, but from a different angle: for them, having a husband is rather a fact of legal possession of what brings her the status of a married woman. It is social security, material security, and psychological tranquillity. Briefly about the character of Turkish men: - They are polite and big liars; - They are always ready to come to the rescue, but it is not necessary to believe their beautiful speeches at once.
- Etiquette is of great importance; - have extreme national pride; - are very conservative; - Great importance is attached to trust; - are very polite in their communication with each other, with their elders, strangers, foreigners and other people;
- are very hospitable; - family and kinship ties are of great importance; - The authority of men in the family is absolute and indisputable;
- It is considered indecent to ask about the health of the wife, to give her greetings, traditional politeness requires to ask about the health of the family; - are not very punctual and slow, in their opinion, the hurry from the line, and accuracy is meaningless; - are contradictory, with both East and West and Asia and Europe in it; - are very self-critical, but reject criticism from foreigners. About feelings. Yes, the Turks are very temperamental and romantic and soft, they are kind and rather ingenuous in nature. Temperature, high power of action and romanticism are very characteristic of traditional Eastern relations. But the Turks have found a compromise to satisfy their romantic aspirations - adultery is firmly entrenched in the lives of Turkish men, although a few decades ago in Turkey it was difficult to imagine it. Turkish society is still turning a blind eye to this state of affairs, and Turkish women also prefer to put up with this fact as long as there is no divorce.
It happens so that the husband simply leaves the family, without bringing it to a divorce, and lives a life of a bachelor for many years, not forgetting, of course, to fully provide for his wife and children. The mistress of the Turks gets not only for love pleasures. The wife and children are a zone of duty and responsibility. The mistress is an outlet for passionate feelings and romance. In addition, today it is promoted by modern technical achievements - Turks actively roam the Internet in search of love adventures. The courtship ritual, which fascinates our compatriots, in my opinion, has quite understandable origins. Open expression of feelings has always been an integral part of Eastern and Southern culture. Romantic nature has a bright and beautiful form of courtship. The relative coldness of the local girls and their inaccessibility make young people sharpen this skill to perfection from time immemorial. When a Turk cares for a girl he likes, in all moments of close relationships he puts his entire arsenal of romance and all his feelings, and it really seems to him that he is in love, and therefore so sincere in his manifestations. Turkish men and foreign women. Before starting the story about the attitude of Turks towards foreigners, it is necessary to mention the Kurds in Turkey. This is a very important retreat. It is especially important in the light of Turkish-foreign relations. There are a lot of nations living in Turkey, but the largest and, in addition, the most diverse nation in terms of culture and traditions are the Kurds, who live in the eastern regions. Outwardly, they are mostly darker than Turks and have facial features that are more similar to the Arab type. There is also a strong linguistic difference. You may have heard of the Kurdish problem in Turkey, but that is not what this is about. Kurdish culture and traditions have been very much influenced by religion and identity. The Kurdish nation is largely obsessed with its identity and often adheres more strictly to religious canons. Therefore, it is more sensitive to all the innovations of modern times, which makes it much more conservative than the Turks. This is a very important national and cultural feature that should always be remembered and kept in mind. With the beginning of the development of active foreign tourism in Turkey at the end of the last century, the era of Turkish-foreign relations also began. In the last decade, online dating has become a part of this type of relationship. In a country with bright sunshine, blue sky and the warm sea a stream of holidaymakers rushed. Turkish resorts have become very popular recently and convenient to buy housing, so tourists have also added to the owners of real estate. After a hard year of work, gray sky, and a cold climate, the Turkish coast seems like an incredible fairy tale to Europeans. The Turks are great builders, and so when foreigners come to the resorts, they feel like they are in a stylish, modern and comfortable country. In the tourist zone of the Turkish identity is only dark-colored skin of the workers of tourism, Turkish speech, and stamps of Turkish culture, which are always successfully promoted by the Turks themselves - tea, sweets, cotton, spices, ancient monuments with a pile of plausible and completely improbable myths and legends.