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The healthy helpless zone (part 2.)

Second, the presumption of powerlessness, when properly used, fosters creativity in a person. If we take as a basis the postulate that without a concrete idea and actions to implement it, everything will remain in place and unsuitable for change, the power of desire begins to convert into creativity. At the same time, before the birth of the finished idea of thought and feeling remains free from empty hopes ("Something must be so...!"). Which is also a separate plus. Because mental work without a "product" can be tiresome, exhausting, not satisfying, and not "giving back", like the work of Sisyphus, who raises a stone, which will eventually roll back down. And the feelings that get stuck in their content and intensity are very exhausting, without any benefit.


Third, it is a reliable way to get rid of "neurotic" guilt. Because if someone tries to influence the phenomenon of X, which in fact cannot be influenced by years, by his actions he gradually increases the feeling of guilt and judgment about his own worthlessness in direct proportion to the forces expended and the number of ineffective years in relation to the problem.

A dialogue illustration to my text (a shortened dialogue, fictitious, in the absence of details):

- How can you influence these events?

- You can try the following common methods for such situations: ..., ... и ... .

- I have already tried them out, nothing has helped. I need another way.

- And if we assume that there is no other way.

- Is it possible?!

- Including it is quite possible.

The presumption of powerlessness, which is based on the possibility that there is no "way out" of any situation, does not mean that one has to fall into despair. It protects you from attacking yourself or others hostilely for lack of divine omnipotence. And it makes you not "attach yourself", does not become a slave to the benefits and joys that you are moving towards ("as long as you do not have the desired one, everything is unacceptable, and I am a jerk").

Thanks to your humility with the potential impossibility, you can release your powers and pay attention to the effective forward movement. You can autonomize your joy and satisfaction with life. You can give out productivity because you have decided to, because you have invented something, because you believe in something, not because "otherwise" the irreparable will happen. A humble person can be many times more productive than a person persecuted by his catastrophic thoughts and guilt; in addition, he has all the conditions to feel happy right now, regardless of how the external events will develop.

The presumption of powerlessness does not override the responsibility for what we know we can do, or the lack of action on the issues that matter to us. Potentially, it can be used for self-deception, i.e. to invent helplessness where the solution lies on the surface, but it is "lazy" to implement it. But this moment is already on the user's conscience. The topic of responsibility is no less important than that of powerlessness and deserves a separate article. For the time being, I will only point out that these may not be mutually exclusive things, but on the contrary, mutually reinforcing each other.