The wall of the building is the main enclosing structure of the building. Along with the enclosing functions of the wall at the same time to some extent perform and bearing functions (serve as supports for the perception of vertical and horizontal loads).
The main requirements for walls: strength, heat resistance, sound insulation ability, fire resistance, durability, architectural expressiveness and efficiency.
There are external and internal walls. By the nature of static work, external walls are divided into carriers, which, in addition to their own weight, perceive and transmit to the Foundation loads from floors, coatings, wind pressure, etc.; self-supporting, based on the Foundation, bearing a load only from its own weight (within all floors of the building) and to ensure stability associated with the frame of the building: curtain (including hinged), perceiving its own weight only within one floor and transmitting it to the frame or other supporting structures of the building. Internal walls can be bearing (capital) or curtain (partitions, are intended only for division of rooms, them establish directly on overlapping). Internal walls are often satisfied with the channels and recesses for ventilation, flues, water and sewer pipes, etc. Bearing walls together with floors form a stable spatial system frame of the building. In frame buildings, self-supporting walls often function as so-called diaphragms of rigidity.
According to the method of construction of the wall are divided into teams, assembled from prefabricated elements prefabricated; solid, usually concrete, built in the traveling or moving mold, a manual clutch - from small materials in the solutions. Depending on the size of the prefabricated elements, the degree of their factory readiness and the adopted cutting system, prefabricated walls are large-block and large-panel. By design, the walls are single-layer and multi-layer.
Materials for the construction of the wall are selected depending on climatic conditions, purpose and capital of the building, its number of storeys, technical and economic feasibility. In multi-storey construction of buildings with load-bearing walls use brick, ceramic stones, large blocks of light and cellular concrete, reinforced concrete panels and other large-size products. Curtain walls, the weight of which should be minimal, are made of multilayer reinforced concrete panels with effective insulation, panels of particularly light concrete, asbestos cement panels. In low-rise construction used wood, silicate and mud brick, cinder block, ceramic and natural stones.
The walls largely determine the design and overall architectural appearance of the building. The name of the wall material often characterizes the architectural and structural type of the house: large-panel, large-block, brick, chopped wood, frame-panel, etc.
In our case, in the construction of the walls of the building used hand masonry with horizontal and vertical ligation of seams. For a laying of external and internal walls the continuous firing brick is applied.