1. Doing your homework by the window
You have to make sure that the table at which the student does his homework is by the window. For a fast-growing person, natural light is more important than ever. As for the desk lamp, it should be installed on the side of the opposite hand to which the child writes. If he is left-handed, the lamp is on the right. If the right hand is on the left.
2. move the computer away
If there is a computer on the table at which the student prepares lessons, it should be pushed deep into the table. A minimum of 70 centimeters of free space should be left on the desktop so that the student can arrange notebooks, books, pens, and pencils.
3. Sitting on a chair correctly
During homework, the child should sit on the chair so that the knees bend at an angle of 90 degrees. In this case, the load on the body will be evenly distributed and the student will feel comfortable. Stand by and watch closely to ensure that the child is not crouching, there is no need.
But from time to time, if you notice that the pupil has leaned too far over the notebooks, you can pay attention to this and ask him to straighten his back. At the same time, at the age of 10-12, a schoolboy is not a baby anymore. This gives you the right to hope for his self-control. The main thing is that in pursuit of good posture and excellent grades, the child did not sit on a chair too long and without breaks. Offer rest. It is very useful to distract yourself from the tasks and walk around the apartment.
4. Sleep 9-10 hours a day
Very often a child aged 10-12 years changes suddenly: refuses to go to school, conflicts with parents or peers, starts getting bad grades. It is not always the case with the family or school, for example. Maybe he just doesn't have enough time to sleep. The norm for this age is to sleep 9-10 hours a day. If the child sleeps less, it leads to a decrease in immunity. I recommend that every family where a student grows up has its own rituals. They will help to make sure that the child goes to bed on time and does not feel overworked.
5. To love cereals and not to abuse sweets
To be energetic, healthy and able to absorb new information, a child needs to eat a lot. The daily rate for this age is 2000-2300 kilocalories. Please note that you can now forget to encourage your child to have a sweet meal (if this is the way the family used to do it before). This is not useful. Not only does it lead to the formation of improper eating habits and stress on the pancreas, but it can also exacerbate skin problems. Children at this time are attentive to their appearance.
If you haven't done this before, now is the time for your child to get acquainted with cereals. Don't take too long. Learn to eat cereals now. Believe that with a fifteen-year-old teenager, especially a boy, it will be times harder than with a child of 10-12 years. Well, of course, drink a lot of water for the whole family. This is important.
6. Doing sports
Alas, few parents really understand how important this is. And for a teenager - it's really necessary. I have children who have not played sports at all. I suggest the simplest task - to stand on one foot, raise your hand ... and their body just begins to walk from side to side. Coordination problems are key for this period.
I also notice an imbalance in the development of musculature, if a schoolboy writes with his right hand, his right side of the body is usually strong, it is given forward. And the left side is undeveloped. At the age of 10-12 years, the human body is actively influenced by hormones. The fact is that they affect the application points. This means that working muscles develop under the influence of hormones, and those that do not work, lag behind every day more and more. The imbalance is getting worse.
With the choice of sport, everything is simple - ask your child what he or she likes. Girls usually choose dancing, aerobics. Boys - boxing, football, hockey. Swimming, by the way, is one of the most effective ways to increase the symmetry of the body of sports. And many people love it.
If there is no possibility to do sports, I recommend to pay attention to therapeutic physical culture (physical training). It is ideal to do physical activity three times a week, but even two times is enough.
7. Hardening without fanaticism
You have to be careful with the hardening. Take your child out into the cold and pour ice water on him or her - do not be precise. Act accordingly. Make sure that the child's room is regularly ventilated, do not dress him/her too warm, do not wrap him/her like a baby.
In this case, by hardening I mean not certain procedures, but a lifestyle. This will not only be a useful activity, but also a pleasant one!