No preface, just to the point, folks.
Third generation video games (1982-1988)
Nintendo's first game consoles and Soviet games from Electronics, Tetris and Mario's creation
Nintendo's first game consoles and Soviet games from Electronics, Tetris and Mario's creation
In 1980, the Japanese company Nintendo took on the task of creating simple monochrome screen consoles. It set itself the goal of creating compact devices for traveling games. The result was a series of Game and Watch games. It was their example that inspired the Soviet developers of computer games made by Electronics (e.g., "Well, wait!")
In 1982, Commondore 64 appeared on the market simultaneously with the Sinclair Zx Spectrum eight-bit English computer. The latter has become truly legendary - quickly spreading around the world, it continued to be in demand for more than a decade.
Sinclair Zx Spectrum 1982 year
When IBM computers appeared on the market, games became popular again. New technologies, including new sound chips, 16-color (and later - and 256-color VGA) standard allowed players to create more complex and beautiful games on personal computers.
In 1983, the first interactive cartoon appeared on Dragon's Lair slot machine, which worked on a large optical disc.
Interactive cartoon Dragons Lair 1983 year
In 1984, the Soviet Union saw the emergence of Tetris (Tetris).
Tetris in original way.
However, the developers of game consoles were not sitting idly by - in 1985, the eight-bit NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) was released, which became an industry icon for the good ten years. The famous Super Mario Brothers game was originally released on the NES.
Fourth generation video games (1988-1994)
The emergence of legendary game development companies and great game series, the emergence of color 2D games
This time was marked by a sharp increase in the quality, quantity and cost of both computer games development and personal computers, and in the latter began to appear CD-ROMs. In the games began to appear high-quality sound, pleasant to the eye graphics and special effects. At this time, such game-dev companies as Blizzard, Epic Games, id Software, Electronic Arts, 3D Realms and many others were formed. Among the many games released during this period of time are Mortal Combat, Street Fighter, Heroes of Might and Magic, Myst, Wolfenstein 3D, DUNE-2 (the first step strategy), Alone in the Dark (one of the first horrors) DooM, King's Bounty (the progenitor of all modern RPGs) and, of course, Civilization.
Dune 2 1992 year.
The redirection of consoles was marked by the release of the 16-bit Sega Mega Drive in 1989, to which Nintendo responded with its SNES two years later (the same as the NES, but with the prefix "Super"). There were other consoles, such as Neo-Geo, PC Engine and others, but they didn't get that popular among the public.
Fifth generation video games (1994-1999)
History of the emergence of 3D in games, the release of the first GTA, NFS, Starcraft, Half-Life, Unreal and Quake
Gradually, 2D games have become a thing of the past, with games with more realistic 3D graphics taking their place. 32-bit processors were introduced. The launch of Atari Jaguar in 1993 was a landmark event, a year after which Sony PlayStation and Sega Saturn entered the market. The game became even bigger - in addition to the previously released games, many of which became cult (see the top of the first computer games in the 4th generation), there were games Tekken, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, GTA, Need for Speed, Starcraft, Half-Life, etc. Three colossuses - Sony, Nintendo and Sega - continued to fight in the console market. Pk-video accelerators had DirectX and OpenGL standards - and, as a consequence of this event, shooters on behalf of Unreal and Quake.
Quake 1996 year
Sixth generation video games (1999-2005)
History of the development of games in the two-thousand, the emergence of ATI, AMD and NVidia
- In 1998, the powerful Sega Dreamcast console was released, and for a number of reasons it couldn't gain a foothold in the market and soon fell off the market, dragging its creator, Sega, along with it. Sony and Nintendo established themselves in the market with the help of PlayStation 2 and Game Cube. Microsoft also decided to insert its five kopecks and released its first Xbox console in 2001. At the same time, games on mobile phones, most of them: Symbian, Java and Windows Mobile, began to develop.
- Meanwhile, PC games were developing no less intensively - there were many different configurations available to the average consumer of computers, which is why there was a split in the ranks of gamers - those who chose not to spend money on powerful PCs, played a variety of quests, arcades, puzzles and puzzles, and those who paid for a powerful PC enjoyed very beautiful and demanding iron games such as Quake 3, Half-Life 2, Morrowind, Age of Empires, Unreal Tournament 2004, GTA: San Andreas and many others.
Seventh generation video games (2005-2015)
Games are becoming more and more demanding to hardware, new consoles, multi-core processors, the Internet is available to almost all gamers, game sales are rapidly moving into digital format, although the release of large Blu-ray discs, which, however, could not win the fight against the rapidly cheaper and increasing in size flash cards. In the end, many new notebooks even stopped adding an optical drive to the design - to save space, reduce the size and ease of the case.
The largest developers began to release cross-platform projects immediately on different gaming platforms for better payback, there was an increasing number of indie studios that draw funds from crowdfunding (fundraising from potential players at specially created sites). The number of new games released each year is growing avalanche-like.
Yeah, uh, uh...
That's all. That's the whole story before us. But there's only one question left.
will be...
after us?