Mommy's son? Immediately imagine drawing a 30-year-old man in trousers, stretched almost to the armpits, and under a pen with an old lady's mother. Mom gives him valuable instructions, such as "don't step into a puddle", and he obediently nods and carefully bypasses the water obstacle with small steps.
It's a "clinical case," of course, you don't see that much in life. Outwardly, the mother's son may look like an ordinary man, but with too strong an emotional connection with his mother.
Staying connected with your mother is not only not a vice, but probably the ideal case of parent-child relationship. But normally it is participation in each other's lives, when everyone remains a separate independent person. This connection does not break anyone's life and does not affect the general interaction with society.
"Mamenkin's son" is connected with the mother dysfunctionally. Both are co-dependent on the problems of another member of this family alliance. They really cannot help but interact. The son is required to neglect his life and put it on the altar of his mother because she hasn't slept at night. The mother has a duty to be present in her child's life because she feels she will die without her. That is, she will leave her alone and there will be no one to bring her a glass in her old age. The son should be controlled and kept on a short leash, because who knows what he can break off. This is love-ownership.
Usually such a young man looks like a very promising candidate for the role of a husband. He can do a lot of things on the farm, because he has a lot of experience (his mother taught him to run the farm correctly). He is independent and can earn money, attentive to the needs of his bride, gentle and helpful. His mother taught him how to be a good partner. But with a caveat: his son was raised by his mother not "for some reason", but for her mother herself.
The woman who appeared in her son's life is not so happy to be perceived by her mother. The wife is regarded as an opponent who can draw attention to herself. For this reason, the son's partner is always perceived as a bad and treacherous woman who only gets "married". This villain "blew the boy's head off", "crushed by the stomach", "only gets close to the apartment/villa/garden/snackbook".
An easier, but no less utilitarian approach to the daughter-in-law is that she is allowed to be the sexual partner of her son (the boy needs healthy sex), the granddaughter-in-law (and no more, can't raise the daughter-in-law of children normally), or the wife should be part of the staff of the mother in her caprices and needs. Naturally, no acknowledgement and "thank you". She allows her to live with her son. But this is still the case. If the daughter-in-law expresses dissatisfaction, the mother will try to destroy the marriage.
Mom's son is always in touch with Mom. He reports where he went, what he did today. Regularly sits at her house and tells her everything, up to the peculiarities of sex life with his wife. That's why Mom will not be stingy with advice, as well as what her daughter-in-law should do. Such communication takes place not in the form of a conversation, but in the form of orders, which are subject to immediate execution. After all, everything that the husband does not like, or rather the mother-in-law, should be corrected immediately. If not, the daughter-in-law immediately receives the title of "mean mother" or "mistress without a hand". Often the mother-in-law does everything in spite of her son's upbringing. If the daughter-in-law said - you can not chips, the child bought chips. The child watches cartoons - the TV is demonstratively turned off, and the child reads a book. The child reads the book, demonstratively turns on the TV.
The mother often comes in unannounced at any time of the day, demanding that the couple abandon all their plans. Often she starts to manage the kitchen to make "a real delicious meal". The son is then interrogated in the presence of his daughter-in-law, who has the best food. My son has to say that my mother's food tastes better. And he would try to say the opposite!
Mom's son doesn't have time for family. Whatever happens there: childbirth, death or fire, Mom is first on his list. After all, "there can be a lot of wives and only one mother". So if the wife burns down, it's no problem for strangers to find another one.
All attempts to talk to her husband about the problem of his too close relationship with his mother meet aggression: "I will not leave my mother! If the wife really wants to choose between her, her children and her mother, there is a high risk that her husband will choose her mother.
In general, "mama's sons" have a difficult relationship with women. Not every girl is ready to be in second place. And the second place from the first one is very far away. They are often just afraid that the girl who is interested in him "Kaaak will jump" and there will be no salvation. Mom is very diligently rocking the marriage of her son, and the marriage often fails to survive the rocking. And the son is terribly afraid to lose the love of the parent. For him there is nothing scarier.
Women often try to save their husbands from their mothers. But it is worth remembering that it is his and his mother's business. He has to confront his mother and separate himself from her, stop living in her emotional field. These men may well be successful in their profession, but are completely incapable of making decisions in marriage and any other interpersonal relationships. Even the decision to leave his wife and leave for his mother is made not by him, but by his parent.