Hello, friends!
SUPERfoods are on everyone's lips. These are particularly nutrient-rich foods that are considered to be particularly beneficial to health and wellbeing.
You've probably already been this way before: you've heard of a product that supposedly works wonders. Maybe you read about it on the net or a seller / distributor of this product has informed you. Or maybe you also know this popular sentence: "You have to eat a lot of this and that food, that's sooooo good !" ...
Every natural, untreated food contains health-promoting substances.
But that does not mean that they should be consumed in unlimited quantities!
What counts here is the variety and not necessarily the quantity: eat smaller quantities of different foods, but regularly. Because a lot does not always help a lot!
For example , if you drink ginger tea every day, it can quickly become too much for you. Ginger has a very dry and warming effect. In no time you have brought your body into a disbalance, even though ginger itself has many positive qualities.
There are also individual differences that need to be considered. Not everyone can tolerate garlic, apples or kale.
If your body reacts sensitively to a particular food, its miraculous effect may suddenly turn to an inflammatory effect, and then it would be better to avoid the product.
It is even possible that some foods that are SUPERfoods for your understanding, are rather inappropriate for your metabolic type and have a negative rather than a healing effect for you!
Every human being is different and so are their needs. The individuality should always come first, because this fruit or this seed can still be so healthy, if it does not suit your type, you will not be able to benefit from it.
What Superfoods do you know?
The apple-berry has a very high anthocyanin content and is touted as a domestic superberry with the "highest antioxidant potential".
Raw consumption is controversial because of its amygdalin content. By heating during processing, the content of hydrogen cyanide decreases. Aronia is mainly processed into jam, juice and puree / pastes.
Acai (palmberry)
These berries contain a lot of calcium. Since they consist of almost 50% fat, they are quite calorie rich with 250 kilocalories per 100 g.
Acai products are said to help with fatigue, heart problems, cancer and degenerative diseases and support weight loss.
Overall, there are hardly any usable human studies.
Goji berry (wolfberry)
The berry grows on the common wolfberry and is offered in dried form, as juice, jam or fruit preparation and in capsule form. The alleged anti-aging sensation should also support the cardiovascular system or strengthen the immune system. The European Food Safety Authority EFSA has not approved any of the requested health claims.
Chia seeds
The seeds of the annual herbaceous summer plant Chia from Latin America are eaten raw or dried or added to drinks. As a superfood they should promote digestion, regulate blood sugar, relieve joint pain and make it lean. Chia seeds and chia oil are approved as novel foods in the EU.
Matcha tea
Matcha means ground tea and is a manufactured from a complex process powder of green tea leaves. Although catechins and antioxidants are widely advertised, special positive health effects have not yet been demonstrated. The iron content is given as 10-17 mg / 100g (not verified), which is the same as the daily reference value for an adult; but you would have to drink about 70 cups.
Maca root or tuber
Maca-containing products are said to increase potency, fertility and libido and promote athletes' performance.
It is unclear to what extent this can have health-threatening consequences. Due to the lack of data, a safe amount of maca in food and supplements is still unknown.
This especially cultivated in Asia millet form is characterized by its particularly high calcium and "optimal silicic acid content" compared to other types of millet and improve the mobility of joints. The manufacturer's data for calcium (282 mg / 100 g) and silicon dioxide (110 mg / 100 g) can not be confirmed due to lack of nutritional value tables.
Therefore, here's my advice: listen carefully to your body and pay attention to what is good for you - and what not. Especially if you try new products!
And always remember:
The dose makes the poison!