Hello, dear health-conscious person!
Our body is constantly burdened by food and chemicals. Cleansing is a great way to get rid of toxins. By cleaning, the body is relieved and at the same time its detoxification functions are improved. Thus, the body learns in the future to deal better with toxins and to divert them.
Delivering the right amount of nutrients and getting rid of harmful substances as quickly as possible should be our basic health goal. Especially in this day and age, however, this is very difficult, environmental pollution lurking at every turn.
Therefore, it is advisable to cleanse and detoxify the body regularly.
In our everyday life, the type-appropriate nutrition supports the detoxification process every day. Our body also has some capacity to defend against toxins, but it can no longer properly work when the body becomes overloaded, causing various symptoms and illnesses.
We spend time every day cleaning our bodies so we can show a well-groomed appearance. So why should not we also take regular time to look after and cleanse our interior?
By regular detoxification methods, we will definitely be rewarded:
- The natural detoxification capacity improves automatically the better the metabolism works
- By detoxification a targeted discharge of heavy metals is possible
- With the help of the cleaning toxins, which pass from the tissue into the blood can be excreted via the detoxification organs
- By cleaning toxins (such as heavy metals and aluminum), which accumulate in the body at certain receptors, displaced and excreted. Thus, minerals can take their place again and serve and support us with their positive qualities.
- It may come through a body cleansing to a weight loss
- Sweet cravings and cravings should be minimized
- The skin can be clearer and more vital afterwards
- There may be a feeling of lightness; Energy and vitality will increase
- At best, the bowel movement regulates and digestive problems (such as constipation, diarrhea, flatulence) are less
What is the burden on our organism?
- Wrong food that does not match your metabolic type; refined foods; Sugar; White flour; additives; Finished products; too much (pasteurized) dairy products; ...
- pesticides and fertilizers
- Plastic bottles and containers
- Chemical substances in cosmetic products (phthalates, parabens, paraffins, propylene glycol, aluminum salts, artificial emulsifiers, preservatives, petroleum, ...)
- chemicals in the air (freshly painted rooms, upholstered furniture, newly laid carpets, scented candles, automatic room freshener, new cars, miracle tree, ...)
- Hormones and heavy metals that reach our drinking water via the groundwater
- chemicals in cleaning and cleaning products; as well as in detergents; dress
- Monthly hygiene for women
- medicines and antibiotics
- heavy metals (root canal treatments, metal fillings)
As a small present, I have a recipe for you.
It's my homemade spice for soup.
I've been doing this myself for a couple of years now and am actually very, very happy that I started that. With the right equipment, it is not a lot of effort and just the smell of fresh vegetables, when it is ready, makes a joy. Above all, you can decide for yourself to take only the best ingredients for your seasoning.
Actually, I take it almost everywhere, for soups, sauces, even rice rice, my soup spice is used!
You can immediately prepare a larger amount, the salt in the soup spice preserves great. But make sure that the glasses are really clean and well sealed. Always use a clean spoon when removing something from the jar to prevent mildew from forming. I always place the opened glass in the fridge.
The easiest way is the preparation with the small attachment of the mincer. In the Moulinette it is also possible, but this requires a little more effort and the vegetables are not quite as fine. You can, if you like, then dry the vegetables - but it is not necessary.
Vegetables or herbs and the respective proportions you can also depending on your mood (or availability) alternate: onion, spring onion, carrots, leeks, garlic, fennel, celery, celery, parsnip, parsley root, parsley, chives, lovage, ....
On 500 g of vegetables you give 50 - 80 g of high quality salt (Himalayan salt, sea salt, rock salt, ...) mixed everything well and your soup spice is ready.
Now you just need to fill them in clean, easy-to-seal GLASS jars.