It is believed that one of the fundamental principles of a healthy existence is "here and now", i.e., orientation to the present moment and the specific place where a person is at the present time.
Human psyche is a very mobile and complex thing. A person's mind can be anywhere, while his body will take a certain position in space and time. And it all comes down to the fact that the psyche lives its life and the body lives its life. They are rare, and not always happy without each other. There are variants when both are happy, but usually it is discussed in the sections of psychiatry and drug addiction.
"Here and now" is a very correct and potentially useful attitude. This is not only a happy occasion for your body and psyche to meet at a point in time and space continuum. It is also an opportunity to solve many issues with a greater degree of accuracy and benefit for the whole, rather than for its individual parts.
And the conversation is not about who at a particular moment in time needs to hang something more, the heart or the brain. Here are some other categories: what we trust more, perception of what is happening with the help of the senses or its interpretation and analysis. This is an important point!
What does our psychic life actually consist of? It can be divided into 2 large parts:
- Perception. This is the information that our senses have collected from the outside and brought to the brain and what the brain has recorded.
- Processing. Everything the brain does with the information after it is received. Processes, erases, combines, strengthens, complements, mixes, embellishes, etc. This is also indirectly "here and now", but in fact it is our interpretation of "here and now", which may have absolutely nothing to do with reality.
So "here and now" is more of a perception of the current moment of life with minimal cognitive processing. I.e. the treatment at the level saw a cup of tea and said to himself "it is a cup of tea". No unnecessary body movements. There is a cup, it is clear what to do with it, and it is clear what not to do with it, how to react and how to live with this fact. Everything is simple and minimalistic. It's raining outside, and at work, the jerk boss has a solo with a drill... but it's all out of attention... in the hands of a cup of tea. There is time to think about your own being... And, in general, a lot of brain resources can be spent on anything.
The thing is that people seldom stop at a cup of tea because of their "creative-honesty" of the brain. Next comes the whirlwind of associations and thoughts from the cup to the conquest of the galaxy through the borsch of Aunt Shura's neighbor. In a few minutes, the logical chain can lose all connection with tea. But the head is full of ideas and not all of them are ingenious and appropriate.
This is the mechanism of many pathological cognitive mechanisms such as ruminations or anxiety. It would seem that you will return to the cup of tea and everything will be OK, but...
A cup of tea is a very optimistic image. How do you feel when you think about a cup of tea? (Those who don't like tea and cups in the statistical sample are excluded ;) Something relaxing, pleasant and warm... Why not think about a cup with a seagull? Keep it in your head like a bright image and always be guided by it, if anything. Here, just nail her in the red corner and admire her every day.
Ah, everything in life would be so! But, here, if instead of a cup of tea there will be "unhappy love"? Right here and now. What and who feels about it? The most common option is the pain of breaking off emotional ties. Do you want to keep yourself "here and now"? In general, no one wants to. This is the main reason why most people slip away from the seemingly positive and advantageous position "here and now" in a psychologically traumatic situation. Where can the brain go if it is locked in a human skull box? If "here and now" is very bad, then the human brain can jump into a happy future or into a happy past and it will get settled there perfectly. A myriad of unsuccessful lovers spend years in dreams of "how good it would be if" or "how good it would be if we did". Or remember the "happy old days" where "the grass was greener". Those who cannot provide such an escape will not be able to tear their "here and now" away from the carnation in the red corner, may end up in a bad way, because it is a normal protection of the psyche from emotional pain.
And this is not only about love, but about everything. Remember, as in verses: "The clouds run through the sky, the dusk is compressed by the rains, the workers lie under the old cart and hear the whispering of proud water under and above: "In four years there will be a garden city".
But what is the difference between workers from under the cart and lovers? They are building a city garden here and now. That is, despite the fact that "clouds run through the sky, the dusk is compressed by the dusk" they regularly visit the ugly "here and now" to move towards building a city garden. And why do they do it? I don't know the fate of these workers in particular, but in such cases it happens because in front of the cart in the long run they had no idea that they can build something better than they have.
But you can't live with a cup of tea all the time. After all, you should agree that even a bright "here and now" cannot be the engine of life, but only a "pit stop". So, to sit and exhale for half an hour before the march. If you get carried away, you can germinate with moss and spider webs. And without any idea about the future, such "here and now" becomes just dementia, fixation of information from outside without its recognition and possibility of application. And in all cases the fuel for fantasies about the future and "here and now" is the past experience.
So what is the essence and "what is the power of a brother? The fact that "here and now" nothing without "was" and "will be". They are simply godlessly neglected. But it is also impossible to sacrifice other components for "here and now". Otherwise, there is no way to solve the problems. They need to be constantly run through all 3 parts of our understanding of time. If people get stuck somewhere in one place, they cannot solve many situations in their lives. This is often a key mistake on the road to change.