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New Life in Harmony

The Biggest Obstacle To Your Healthy Diet


Hello, friends!

In the morning the alarm goes off, then you go to the bathroom and get ready for work. Maybe you have to wake the children, get them ready for kindergarten or school and give a quick snack.

And then you have to go already, everything is going according to your plan. If all goes well, you may have time for a quick breakfast coffee ... This level of stress runs through your entire day.

You probably also know sentences like: "Well, I would not have a TIME for something like that"; "I can not do it now, I do not have a TIME"; "Yes, if I have TIME for it, then I'll do it"; "Where has only TIME come"; etc. 

Honestly, sometimes I catch myself saying such phrases. Yes, TIME is quite a problem in our society today. We rush from one appointment to the next, perhaps forgetting the things that really matter - the things we should take TIME for ... 

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When I tell people how and what I eat, I often look around with big eyes and get the answer, "I do not have time for that, I have to work."

Well, I work too ... So from that, it's all just timing. And appreciation!

I mainly talk about healthy eating now. 

We should always be aware that OUR health is our highest good! And it's in our hands how we handle it. Diet is a big part of this health, so we can certainly influence whether we're okay or not. 

Of course, the stress factor also plays a big role here. If we are always in a hurry and hectic, it will also have a negative impact on our highest good. In addition, there will be less time left to eat a healthy diet - a vicious cycle. 

So think about what prevents you from taking the time to eat well. And what can you actively change? 

In the TCM diet we eat at least three cooked or warm meals a day.

Special attention is on the hot breakfast.

Now it may be that right from the beginning you think "I would never have time for that in the morning"

As already mentioned, the right timing and the preparation are the two magic words;) 

Of course, it is impossible to expect that someone who has to get up early should start cooking in the morning. Even more so, when you have to go to work, where it is automatically more hectic anyway. I do not want to stress you even more with my recommendations, but I want to make you feel better by implementing the tips. 

So what does timing and preparation mean exactly? 

You could, for example, prepare certain work steps on the eve or prepare meals or the individual components, which works great. I eat everything for breakfast, which I would eat for lunch. Because of my metabolic type preferably spicy dishes with meat. They are usually finished anyway and I only need to warm up more in portions (I do NOT of course do that in the microwave;)). 

You can serve all sorts of dishes with eggs. 

Or you can eat soup in the morning.

There are many possibilities. You'll see, once you do that for a while, it'll always be easier for you to go. 

Maybe you are more into sweet breakfast

To find out, cook some cereals for a few days: millet, buckwheat, rice, barley, etc. (either with water, milk, juice, or half / half) 

Add nuts, seeds, fresh fruit, dried fruit - fresh as you wish and season with cinnamon, cardamom, vanilla, ginger, possibly a pinch of cocoa, ... and season with honey or other natural sweetness. 

Again, there are no limits to your imagination!

Source: https://pixabay.com/ru/photos/%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%BD%D1%87-%D0%B1%D0%BE%D0%BA%D1%81-%D0%BE%D0%B1%D0%B5%D0%B4-%D0%B1%D0%BB%D1%8E%D0%B4%D0%B0-%D0%BA%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B9%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B9-749367/
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Having lunch:

There are great thermo-boxes that keep food warm for up to 6 hours. Like a thermos - just for food. I think it's very convenient, because you can warm up your food in the morning at home and then just take it to work. 

Here, of course, it is also advantageous if you have already thought in advance and have prepared something. 

Preparation is also an important keyword! For certain dishes, I always cook a larger amount, so I always have a portion in stock.

This is for example: goulash, chili con carne, sugo in different variations or even a soup. All you need is glasses with screw top or jars. Thoroughly rinse the jars and lids with hot water, then fill the finished dish as hot as possible, seal the jar immediately and place in a cold water bath (with ice cube) and store in the refrigerator. This creates a vacuum that keeps the dishes up to 3 weeks! And all without any artificial preservative! Is not that great - and especially so easy =)

I think this variant is great, because you always have something ready to handle, even if it should go fast and thus does not run the risk of eating something unhealthy. And it's not a big overhead, since you're cooking anyway, so you just do something more so you have small reserves;)

You see, healthy eating can be so easy! 

So, take it into your own hands and do not make time your enemy. 

All the best in that sense and see you soon!