I can not believe how fast time has passed. It was not so long ago that I had a positive pregnancy test in my hands for the first time in my life and now I've been in maternity protection for almost a week!
What has changed since I was pregnant?
To be honest, not so much!
The first 3 months were the biggest challenge for me.
Because here my body was simply unimaginable, especially with regard to hunger and circulation. In the morning I was often dizzy if I did not eat immediately after getting up.
What helped me a lot:
In the morning a glass of warm, boiled water (sometimes with some grated ginger), which is not only in pregnancy an ideal start to the day! Afterwards there was something easily digestible like rusks / rice waffles / crispbread, sometimes with some honey or jam and the start of the day was safe.
Less ideal for me was on an empty stomach:
- fruit,
- coffee/green tea,
- hard digestible/fatty and dietary supplements especially iodine and folic acid.
Here, of course, everyone is different and has to listen to their own needs. Vitamin B5 (if you can tolerate it) can relieve pregnancy nausea. I pers. Have put on ginger in any form and a few pieces of candied ginger were always ready to handle in my purse!
But no matter how bad the morning sickness is, it usually lasts only a few weeks / months. For me she was on the day exactly on the day of the third month of pregnancy over!
Another innovation:
From the first month of pregnancy, from now on, regular check-ups at the gynecologist.
A Boy or a Girl ???
This question will surely be asked to you during your pregnancy!
About a blood test can be very early to find out what gender is your little abdominal. If you do not want to do this, It's worth it to wait until the 17th week, because from here you can see pretty well what it could become!
But we decided we want to wait till the baby is born.
I can tell you, this big investigation has it all in itself! Your baby is literally put through its paces.
My fiancé and I were totally off our socks when we saw what was being investigated and especially at worst could be sick or malformed. When my gynecologist was able to put one hook after the other on her checklist, I almost ran down tears. Never was I aware of what could not have been right with our baby and I fool had made to date just thinking about gender!
I felt so stupid ... And from the hour we decided not to focus on the sex but on the well-being of the little abdomen and would rather be surprised.
Although that was difficult at first, now I'm so happy about this decision !!! We have now come up with names for both sexes and the room will be kept neutral for the time being. In the age of Amazon and Internet to Go, even from the hospital bed can order quickly in pink or blue if necessary. So I see that more than relaxed ...
Meanwhile, I am in the 35th week of pregnancy and to date, I really had a fantastically beautiful pregnancy. I still do sports regularly / move a lot and feel good about everything! Personally, I am currently doing a mix of endurance and strength training with a focus on the back, torso and legs. I do not do any abdominal exercises and even the stepper, which I had always ignored in the studio, is now very high in class!
I do not know yet how long I will maintain the membership in the studio, but as a pregnant woman you have the advantage in most studios the termination without notice or to lay down his contract.
When I'm not in the studio, I walk a lot, go for a walk with Dino and visit a Wayside Yoga class once a week, which I really enjoy! Who would have thought that?! Because with yoga I could never do anything before?
The last few weeks are now largely made up of organizational matters such as:
- View / define maternity clinic
- Looking for a first-time outfit together
- Pram, car seat and baby furniture to organize in time - have up to 8 (!) Weeks delivery time
- Make baby room
- Register paternity (if not married)
- Apply for maternity allowance
Here, however, some great baby apps:
- BabyCenter,
- Sprout
- Checklist App
They are a great way to schedule all To Dos in time to not forget anything.
Most of the time I have been able to do so thank God and if next week the baby furniture will be delivered!
My body
I really can not complain, because so far, my body has not changed tremendously. I gained almost 8 kg, which spread well on the stomach, breasts, face, arms, legs and especially the buttocks. But the stomach has already made a good boost in the last 2 weeks - I think. Which I also like.
I hope you liked my little pregnancy review ..
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