The intestine is responsible for the digestion. But is that its only job? Certainly not!
Have not you ever made certain decisions "out of the gut"? Or if you were in love, have you ever had butterflies in your stomach?
Such simple theses already show that the stomach (the intestine) is in communication with the brain. For a few years, this is now even more studied.
It is exciting that the brain as well as the intestine are formed from the same tissue clot. The vagus nerve connects the intestine and the brain later. The intestine and the brain thus influence each other, as information flows in both directions. Yes, even 90 percent of our neural connections go from the gut to the brain! Therefore, mental disorders such as depression affect the gut - and indigestion can affect the energy (fatigue after eating), the mood, the pain sensation and behavior!
The functions of the intestine
The intestine must pick up foreign bodies (food) and split them into small pieces so that the body accepts them. That is how we are fed. If the intestine is offended, it reacts with defense reactions. It comes to allergies and inflammation. We know typical symptoms such as reflux / heartburn, stomach pressure, nausea, fatigue but also skin problems or the indefinable irritable bowel syndrome.
For that reason alone, the type-appropriate diet is very important.
Another factor, however, is digestion. As we know, digestion already starts in the mouth, through the salivating and good chewing of the food. On the contrary, digestion begins even in our brain - as a further component of the so-called cephalic phase. It is important to mentally adjust to food intake. Stimulation before eating sends a signal from the brain stem to the abdomen and back via the vagus nerve. This happens through sounds we hear from the kitchen; by the sight and smell of food or when we think of food. You probably know that when "your mouth is watering."
So when we are in a hectic rush, the focus is not there. Therefore, the food is incidentally, with trouble or stress so unfavorable.
It is important that on one hand the intestine is colonized with sufficiently good intestinal bacteria and on the other hand a healthy gastric mucosa is necessary:
- By taking probiotics you can increase the number of good intestinal bacteria. It should also be different products are taken, since each product contains other strains of bacteria. The most sense makes such a structure after a colon cleansing .
- Problems with the gastric mucosa are caused by permanent stress (increased cortisol levels) if there is an infection such as the bacterium Helicobacter pylori or if there is insufficient stomach acid.
Metabolic Types
Different metabolic types require different nutrients and different amounts of macronutrients (carbohydrates, fat and protein).
In the combustion system and in the autonomic nervous system, the respective metabolic type is determined. These are the two most important body systems in terms of nutritional needs. Only by determining the dominance of these two systems, can determine your personal type.
Nutritional advice in balance
They answer very detailed questions about your physical, mental and nutritional characteristics. The metabolic evaluation is then based on the original questionnaire from Healthexel Metabolic Typing. That's what makes the test so accurate, because such features exist over a longer period of time, unlike, for example, a blood test, here, the result may vary or be dependent on the day and thereby lead to a falsified starting situation.
Main objectives of Metabolic Typing:
- Keep the blood sugar level constant
- To balance the body in relation to the acid-base balance
- To stop allergies
- To create a hormonal balance
- Keep the energy level constantly balanced;
- To eliminate food cravings
- Continuing concentration
- Deep, restful sleep
- Increase the general well-being
- To get a grip on cardiovascular problems
- Stop digestive problems
- Strengthening the immune system
- Psychic-emotional balance
- And by the way: getting your personal optimal weight.
Your personal diet will be used to alleviate and cure discomfort as well as prevent your health.
If you feed against your personal metabolic type, - even with a relatively "healthy" diet - you cause your body more damage than help!
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