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Helena Craft

Is it possible to radically change in one appeal to the stylist?


I like to ask the newcomers a question - “Why did you decide to ask a stylist for help?”. The answer is almost always the same, but it is still very interesting to listen to the wording and reasoning on this topic. It turns out in different words, but if you bring everything to one denominator, then the personally-detailed answer ends with a single phrase - ".... and in general, everyone should do his own thing." Yes, it’s hard to disagree here.

Moreover, when everything around is suddenly changing for the better, then it’s generally impossible to resist. And immediately it is remembered that we go to the doctors when we need to become healthy. Toastmaster we call when you need to play a fun wedding. And to the hairdresser in general every month we drop by.

Well, when friends, colleagues, and just neighbors in the stairwell suddenly begin to look somehow different, and even for the better, then there is nothing left but to look for the right image consultant and urgently for shopping. And at this stage, I imagine how you can get scared and inspire 153 doubts at the same time - to go \ not go, try it yourself / or haven’t been, and trust. And all these thoughts are due to ignorance and lack of information.

How is shopping? How to talk with an image consultant and build relationships with him (during and after shopping)? How much money to take for shopping? What is the principle of choosing stores to visit? And so on. Therefore, sit back, I will remember all the questions asked earlier to me, and find answers to them. By the way, I propose a communication format convenient for everyone - you ask yours in the comments, and I will answer them. Thus, we will get very lively material that will be updated and updated with new information during the week \ month \ year.

Is it possible to change dramatically in one call to an image consultant? How dramatic the changes will be depends on 90% of the client’s readiness. And the situations are different. But, as the practice of working with people shows, this is impossible, at least at a time. Fundamental miracles can only be observed in television projects such as “Fashionable Sentence,” “Take It Off Immediately,” etc. If we are talking about a real hero of our time, who expects his acquaintances to recognize him on the street, it takes some phasing and rationality in creating a new image.

The fact is that each person always has a set of priorities, habits and thoughts, with regards to how he looks and what information to broadcast to others. We do not have the right to ignore the existing way of life, but we can help the client look more ... confident, open, tall, slim, young, serious ... (emphasize necessary).

Even if a girl who has not been in clothing stores for the past year has been contacted, has long matured for the services of a stylist, wears old things. And in her wardrobe there were only 2 turtlenecks and the only jeans, believe me, she is not ready for cardinal changes in one meeting. In fact, she was accustomed to knitwear, exclusively jeans / trousers, and her pace of walking suggests sports-type shoes. Do you think she will agree immediately to a flying silk dress and high-heeled shoes? For the first time we can offer her a dress, but from dense knitwear. And to make her more familiar, choose half-boots with solid soles. Believe me, for this client this solution is already on the brink of a cardinal! But, most likely, when the time comes to work on her summer wardrobe, we can offer her the very flying dress and convince her of the need to wear it with sandals in elegant heels. And she will agree to this image only because the dress for her has become a familiar element of the wardrobe. She was comfortable in everyday situations, plus she received support from loved ones in the fact that the dress suits her. From personal experience, she felt that elegant shoes can also be comfortable. Only through intermediate stages (images) we will offer her femininity and she will agree to wear it! And a professional image maker will take this into account in his work with her.

For clothes, we first put forward demands for convenience, plus recognizing ourselves in reflection. I also believe that the main concern of the image consultant is that the client can cope with the proposed innovations. These may be trifles that the client is not used to, but they are key. For example, to teach a client to roll up his shirt sleeves beautifully, wear silk textures, look after suede shoes, elegantly leave the desired level of a tucked-in blouse. Sometimes these little things form the basis of the image.

And, before embarking on the global, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work and clean up areas of incompetence in the small. If you use the language of numbers, then I think it is reasonable and effective to change the image of the client (in one call) by 20-25%. Let the rest remain familiar to him. Believe me, if you correctly handle the image of a person, he will be immensely grateful and will definitely come for a new dose of change. Thus, invisibly to others, we can drastically change the image of the client in 1 year. But to do it comfortably and effectively!