As I remember myself, I was always fascinated by people of a certain type. I calculated them very simply - I wanted to consider and imitate them, they always had what distinguished them from the majority. And magically be with them.
The appropriate combination of the ugly and the beautiful coexisted in one image so harmoniously that you admitted to yourself, "I couldn’t do it like that."
Such individuals always have their own point of view, which I wanted to know. And they know how to achieve the integrity of the image in which all the details obeyed a single idea.
Over time, it became apparent that we are talking about people who have good taste. And life experience has confirmed that it is with such people that it is pleasant to cooperate, consult, contact them for help, conduct common business and just communicate, receiving tremendous pleasure. Because, the whole process has always been accompanied by an amazing result, and the concepts came in addition to the bonus - easily and logically.
Why is it that it is possible with some people? And others, in principle, are not capable of this? Personal observations made it possible to explain this fact by the presence or absence of good taste. When I began to research the topic of good taste in various sources, it turned out that this topic exists around art, creativity and design. But not mentioned when it comes to daily worries. If you type in the search engine the phrase "how to develop good taste," then pages will open that focus on clothing, elegance lessons, artwork, and so on.
And, if a person is not directly interested in aesthetics, then this topic will quickly become boring. I suppose that the concept of good taste is too distant from reality, has been elevated to the cult of art and is perceived as something of little fit for everyday life. And in vain. Good taste is selectivity. And what if not the ability to choose the best for yourself, can save you from unnecessary expenses, an empty loss of time and doubt.
A sense of beauty greatly facilitates the choice and helps to make a decision in any situation - the choice of place of residence, spouse, clothes, car, where to go on vacation and how to raise children. No wonder at all times so much time has been devoted to the study of the beautiful through music, books, and works of art. Having good taste is not only pleasant, but also profitable! No matter how strange it sounds. And you should use it daily, every minute, putting it on guard of your decisions. And now in order.
Ability to see features, highlight details and reason about an object, formulating own opinion. Each of us can appreciate - like / dislike. Subjectively, but evaluate. But not everyone is able to explain their position - what exactly they like, why, what can be improved, added, removed? Such an opinion is formed among those who are able to translate the language of lines, shades, textures into words and convey their vision to others. Argument your point of view and show a different view of the same thing.
When I got acquainted with the laws of forms and textures (stylistics), I liked to perform one wonderful exercise. I ordered myself a cup of coffee in a crowded shopping center and watched those who passed by. One of the tasks set is to explain to myself, with the help of styling tools, why I liked this or that thing on a particular woman? Why does she suit her or not? And what exactly can be changed? Such a quiet dialogue with oneself.
Things with which we surround ourselves form our quality of life. Surrounding himself only with what really pleases, inspires, allows you to respect yourself and your desires. It seems important to me to allow myself at least one thing "for growth." A little better than you can afford at the moment. It can be anything - a floor lamp, shoes or a trip, but 100% successful! Such single instances help in the formation of good taste and are a reminder that ideal things exist and you are worthy of their possession. But such masterpieces almost always have to wait and track down.
An example of high-quality expectations is the willingness of a client who plans to select a wardrobe with a personal stylist. The most favorable moment for change comes when the situation is ripe and "hurts." Ideally, if it is, in a sense, suffered. If you turn earlier, the effect will not be the same, without the effect of "Wow" and strong relief. In a state of fatigue, the client is more than ever ready for new changes. I myself know how refreshing it is - when you get rid of the load of the old image in time in favor of the best.
This is the same as bringing the matter to the result. A sign of good taste. One acquaintance sometimes asks for recommendations on the development of her business area. Her activity is so multifaceted that she starts many projects with enthusiasm, but physically does not have time to bring them to completion. There is always a new temptation \ suggestion \ activity in her path that she plunges into with pleasure, not bringing the previous one to the result. Such repeated layering.
Every time we meet (and this happens more often at a business lunch in a cafe) - she orders dishes that are either tasteless, or stale, or simply did not like. The result is always the same - the food on the plate remains malnourished. There was not a single time that she ate everything to the end. And this habit extends to everything, including the way she dresses - her every look turns out to be unfinished and with reservations - here I wanted to put on another blouse, but she turned out to be dry cleaned. Here I was thinking of putting on a bracelet, but it rolled somewhere and there was no time to look for it. Such is the eternal pun intended for which there is a clear imperfection.
People with good taste are familiar with the concept of "enough." It is impossible to overfeed, convince with discounts, to captivate with ostentatious brightness, tag or events, the entrance to which is accessible to everyone without exception. An inner sense of proportion saves them from quantity, while retaining the right to possess quality. A sense of beauty comes from an internal dialogue with oneself. Such people are easily concentrated, find the right solutions in silence, and use internal resources. They are well aware of the principle of "look at the root" and "analyze it." The ability to concentrate helps to focus on the situation and plan a series of correct actions. These are people with exceptional taste.