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A sense of belonging to a group

Источник фото: pixabay.com
Источник фото: pixabay.com
The need to belong to a particular group of people is a very strong and important human need. All of this, again, is evolutionary. If you are not your own man in the tribe, you can be kicked out, and a lonely life in ancient times was, they say, a deadly occupation. With the years and centuries, this need has remained, but everything has become more complicated. Everyone is surrounded by many groups that need to belong. It is not fatal not to belong, the bear will not chew, but certain difficulties will arise. We need "our own people" around us. And this is not that necessarily familiar, but just those who are similar to the collective in character and values. And if you are not like that, alas. And the most important thing is that feeling alien, people are in stress with clear consequences.

Being different from the rest of the world is a complicated thing. It's clear that when people feel an outsider, they push him away, and they unite more tightly within the group. But if a person feels different, he pushes people away even more. It's like he confirms that you guys are right, I'm different.

The sense of belonging is formed in childhood. It is at this time that the child gains an understanding of whether or not he or she is suitable for his or her tribesmen. If he is regularly repulsed, he begins to consider himself an outsider. Girls are more sensitive to this than boys, especially in adolescence, when the relationship with the opposite sex begins. If there is no boy, it is a strong blow to the understanding that I am just like all the girls around me, not ugly or stupid.

But this is not a lifelong condition. For a little later, a woman can prove to herself that she is okay, or maybe even better than the girls who enjoyed popularity in high school.

Although very often women drag on themselves a sense of belonging to the female world for many years.they once did not join the flow of girls who have taken the traditional female role, and many things that are considered "normal", they are simply not interested. This is not a disaster, and even, often, an advantage, but ladies can endure, for example, the lack of ability to build eyes and flirt in every way, as a sign of their social ugliness.

They find it harder to find a life partner, because they do not make the "right" social compromises and do not play traditional social games. That is, if, for example, they do not like the intellectual level of the boyfriend, they will not tolerate him and pretend that he is incredibly smart and witty. But this is happening again under the inferiority sauce. Here, other women use "female wisdom", but, here, they can not: do not know where to remain silent in time, where to flatter a partner, etc.

Identification and sense of belonging is not always a constant phenomenon. It can be developed in a group of people. Especially if they are artificially singled out into a special community surrounded by enemies. If such an exclusive society is considered to be chronically offended, people unite their ranks even more closely and conduct aggression against strangers. How else could it be? You have to fight off your enemies. Within the community, one's own ideology and values develop. However, the functioning of the state, and even its fate, very often depends on the feeling of belonging. How people will react to each other and work for each other. And the state works with a sense of belonging or destroys it.

Again the hot question about Ukraine and Russia is hot. In Ukraine, since the secession from the USSR, different governments have been busy with uniting Ukrainians. They have done it by almost all available means. Not all of them were captured. It turned out that there were a lot of wrong people who fell out of the unity, but nevertheless the work was done by a nobleman.

In Russia, the opposite was done. The state observed how the idea that Russians are ashamed to be ashamed of themselves is being carried out in the masses. Only idiots are proud of the state, the Russian culture of misery. But if you hate Russians, you're like a very smart person. But the whole situation around Crimea, or rather the reaction of the West to Russia's actions, has quite tightly united a part of the Russian community, which has also become quite confident and aggressive in behaving towards the "uninvolved".

In general, to behave aggressively and to water "uninvolved" with garbage, though a sign of belonging, does not do any good for the nation. Yes, the sense of community among themselves strengthens, but you can't go far to hate. It does not plow, sow or build factories. So, it is desirable that people focus their activities on what really makes their nation different from others in a positive sense. For example, some achievements or inventions.