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Airplanes and "terrible" children

Источник фото: pixabay.com
Источник фото: pixabay.com
In the summer, people were on vacation. Who by car, who by train and who by plane. Aircraft, as it turns out, are very dangerous for mental health. And not because of fear of heights, but because of disgusting kids, who are all spoiled and require something.

I've flown a lot in my life. On the wave of the next surge of criticism of the younger generation I was trying to remember the cases of egregious behavior of children. I remembered one unclear case when I was flying from Greece. The mother entertained her children very loudly. The children were also having fun loudly under the guidance of their mother. In general, the children acted adequately to the environment, which they created by their mother. But it wasn't the horror of the noise they made, but my attention was always drifting in their direction.

But the nasty and capricious adults - they meet in bulk. Especially if the flight from abroad to Russia. One time my youngest daughter, who also did not have time to open her mouth, auntie, did not have time to say at once that if she was prevented from doing something, she would throw the child out of the plane. She kind of warned that she was dangerous to others. The other uncle seems to have stolen Sonia's cool toy. I didn't see the process, but nobody else in this corner could get it. There were a lot of other cases in my life, but they didn't touch my kids.

But children really meet different people. And they make a lot of noise for different reasons. Some of them are really brought up wrong, some of them are capricious for reasons beyond their control.

Many people believe that this is all because their parents allow them everything that their children want. However, most of the capricious children, because of their "bad upbringing", are not because of the condescending upbringing, where "the baby is the best-best and the child is all right", but because parents simply don't spend much time with their child. Flying with strangers in a confined space is stressful and the child wants protection. If other passengers clicking their teeth on it, it will be even more frightening, and it will behave even worse.

In the states, it is customary to be friendly with a child, and not only because if you don't like children, there is something wrong with you psychologically. It also takes into account the fact that in most cases the child calms down when he sees around friendly people. It does not work with all of them, but the chance of a quiet flight is quite high.

The second option is to educate in the style of "wolf man" and "don't be a dick". Thus, the child needs peace or boredom, and he, as a "good" requires the proper. I.e. from his point of view.

As for other cases. You know, a lot of babies are born with brain damage. But it's not just because "the mother saw-smoker-killer-drug" or "damned doctors ruined everything". The vast majority of such cases are related to the poor environmental situation, chronic diseases of women and intrauterine infection of the fetus. There are many cases of intrauterine hypoxia, which affects brain development.

One of the problems of the child's behavior in these cases is the weakness of inhibition processes, and the prevalence of excitation processes. That is, in any unfavorable psychologically, the child's inhibition drops, and all we have is excitement, which cannot be removed in 2 minutes. I.e. parents try desperately, but they do not succeed. The child will yell until he suffocates.

And there is also such a thing as temperament. Yes, children also have it. Can adult aunts start up at half a turn, or can they accumulate a negative to an emotional nuclear explosion? They can. And children too. In addition, the child can hardly regulate his emotions and realize them. If it was carried, it means it was carried.

When this topic is discussed, there are parents who say that here, I raised my child, and he does not yell and do not yell, but obey perfectly. It means that others can. And there is such a pattern. Those parents who really much and actively bring up their children, in most cases, do not exhibit their beautiful parenting skills on the Internet. Because they know that in order for a child to behave socially acceptable, you need to put a lot of time and effort on him, but this is no guarantee that everything will be okay to the child's wedding. At any moment, the child may face a crisis, and the difficulties will be again. Such mothers and fathers are usually very sympathetic to difficult children in confined spaces and help parents of troubled children.

As for the rest. There is a concept of "comfortable children". Sounds a little offensive to my taste, well, what to do, so called. These are children with a popular temperament in society nowadays, who easily assimilate the imperatives of parents and are not inclined to break the rules. With them there is no special misfortune and the parent can feel like a genius of pedagogy. Once said the child did. This is, of course, the ideal option for an airplane, but not always suitable for life (but this is another story).

How to distinguish between noisy children with problems of the nervous system and children with temperament, so as not to lead to vain in the upbringing? In an airplane and other enclosed spaces, when you see a child for the first time - there is no way. Will the child be calmed down by resentment or threats to the family? Even the opposite. The fact that you sit and nervous about the whole flight about the noise somehow cardinally solves the problem? No, it does not. It will be bad only for you.

And about all the accusations of parents that the child is 2 years old, and he was not taught - not brought up. At 2 years old, as well as until adolescence, the child is brought up. I.e. this is a process, not an event, such as taught the child to go to the pot, and all, the job is done, you can exhale. Children can behave "indecently" at different ages for different reasons. Diete, who flied well on the plane at 5 years old, can get drunk at 18 and make a debauch.

But nevertheless, whatever is there with the child, whether it's brain problems or not, it needs to be socialized. That is, it is not that he sits like a statue and moves on command, but that he was able to behave according to the situation. It is necessary to educate everyone, but everyone should realize that time and efforts for different children have to be invested in different ways.