Huge selection always tires. And the paradox is that if a person has no choice, then he wants to have it. But, when he is given more than necessary, he is covered by a psychological disgust from an overabundance. When a potential buyer visits car dealerships, more often he feels overwhelmed even before a final decision is made. During the search for the car he will listen to the representative of each brand, choose the only one among the many configurations, take into account all the financing conditions and not forget about the guarantee. When you need to put so much information in your head, fatigue inevitably sets in and that is when the consumer is completely defenseless against helpful marketing. Decisions made in this state often turn out to be wrong and forced.
A decision on condition of fatigue explains why usually sane people ... cannot resist the dealer’s offer to change their car for a new one.
Dean Spears from Princeton University claims that a state of fatigue keeps people in poverty and doubt. The limited financial situation makes people compromise on a daily basis. As a result, they still have significantly less mental energy for other activities. Even the usual trip to the supermarket for groceries requires mental activity comparable in strength to a brainstorming session. Buyers at the same time try to take into account many factors - price, composition of products, quantity, balance. Add that during shopping, buyers hear and see price announcements, promotions, parking information, and staff calls. Excess noise that exhausts and leads away from the goals. And while they reach the checkout, their basket is filled with impulse goods, which, as we know, are of no practical use.
My husband and I try to visit supermarkets to a minimum, more and more preferring small eco-shops where there is always a limited choice, daily deliveries of fresh products and a sufficient range of vegetables, fish, meat, cereals, dairy products. This allows you to not buy too much and use the purchased in full. We stopped throwing spoiled foods. And, strangely enough, thanks to an informed choice, the total check is much less, although for some groups of goods prices are higher than in a large supermarket.
Do you know what the consequences of regular exhaustion? Over time, the most precious resources of the self deteriorate, only executive functions come to the fore. A person forgets that he really suits him and turns into a zombie whose behavior is programmed and predicted by marketers. He begins to doubt, he gets even more tired of this. In doubt, dubious things are usually chosen. Other areas of life begin to suffer - self-regulation is violated, poor performance appears at work, at school. A feeling is dulled, which helps to sift the "grain from the chaff." Only limited choices can save you from vulnerability to sales strategies.
When we allow ourselves a compromise, the focus is on the quality of the product, its consumer properties, the price-quality ratio is analyzed. In such conditions, the positive or negative criteria of the goods become very obvious. But the most important thing is that it is a compromise that is the most energy-intensive and advanced form of making an objective decision. By the way, people already exhausted by a huge choice, are very reluctant to agree to a compromise, being influenced by advertising, wrappers or convincing speeches of sales consultants.
You don’t think that those clients who have empty wardrobes come to me? More often, help is needed for those who have tightly packed cabinets, but every morning they already wake up tired of the thought - "what should I wear today?".
And we are already talking about the quality of the wardrobe, which is unfinished, not thought out, but at the same time there is nowhere to put clothes. Having bought a huge number of "mistakes" and having spent a fortune on things, people did not get the expected style. Hopelessness and fatigue. Can you, being unsuccessfully dressed, fully devote your thoughts to large-scale projects, meeting with people important to you, and with pleasure accept invitations to significant events?
George Levenshtein suggested that high-ranking men who make large-scale decisions often feel “squeezed like a lemon” when it comes to their privacy and family decisions.
Obviously, the formation of the wardrobe requires a different approach than just spontaneous, chaotic purchases among a huge selection of collections. Important wardrobe quality, consistency and a limited, but sufficient number of sets. You should always know what to wear today and where to go. Images should create exactly the impression that it is important to produce. Clothing is obliged to serve us. We invest enough time and money in it to receive dividends in the right amount.
Today you can’t make mistakes and waste too much, otherwise the disruption will cover all areas of life. Awareness in choosing what we consume and let into our home - products, services, clothes and accessories.
All components of our lives should help us feel harmonious, rid ourselves of unnecessary decisions, but most importantly, doubts. And this is only possible in a situation of limited choice.