Once upon a time there were Lucy and Dusya. The same age, the same goals and dreams, common interests. Only Lucy was happy and believed that she would succeed, and Dusya was sad and was afraid that she would not succeed. At 20, they are both young and beautiful. And at 40, which of them will look better? No wonder that Lucy.
Happy people always look younger. But why? And is it possible to learn happiness in order to prolong youth? Happiness is a condition in which we emotionally and physically feel a lift. There are two main incentives for happiness.
The first is an external factor. A person sets himself certain material goals and expects that he will be happy when they are achieved. Perhaps this is a position with a high salary, or such benefits as a house, a car, business class flights, and more. And indeed, having received what he wants, he may experience a feeling of happiness. But usually not for long. Here we can draw such an analogy. When a child really wants a toy, having received it, he is simply happy. But soon she will get tired of him anyway and he will want another. Man is by nature insatiable, in the material plane. You always want more, so it is impossible to stay happy for a long time, having received another toy. But this is an incentive to move on and each new step may well give a feeling of happiness. Let it be temporary.
The second is an internal factor. For happiness, man needs intangible things. To stimulate this condition, it may be enough for him to do what he loves, or to learn something new, learn something, experience the unknown. Creative people, inventors, athletes, fans of personal growth - they all fall into this category. It is worth saying that here it is also difficult to be in a streaming state. A new portion of happiness always needs a new motivation.
So is it really impossible to stay happy all the time?
Can! In fact, everything we need for happiness is already in us. We just do not use it.
Let us first understand how a state of happiness is formed in us.
At the physical level, the hormone serotonin is responsible for this pleasant state, which is called the “hormone of happiness”. If the level of serotonin is low, then the mood deteriorates, interest in everything disappears, a breakdown occurs, and in protracted cases, depression. Naturally, with such a hormonal background, overall physical health suffers and a person ages faster. After all, the work of all body systems depends on the balance of hormones.
Accordingly, when the level of serotonin is high, then the mood improves, a surge of vitality and vitality is felt, the person is active, sexy and his health is stronger.
Physically maintaining serotonin levels is possible through proper nutrition and exercise.
But you have to be honest, for a full state of happiness this is not enough. We have a layer of perception that allows us to be filled with happiness simply from the sensation of life, as such. But access to this bliss is most often closed by mental obstructions that we ourselves create.
At the energy level, happiness depends on the state of subtle bodies.
Each of us and everything around us is energy. Energy allows us to exist as a living organism, and the quality of our life depends on how much we are filled with energy.
If there is enough energy, the lightness of being appears. You are filled with strength and vigor, feel great and look at all 100.
And if there is not enough energy, then you are like a robot with dead batteries. You do everything automatically and do not experience this satisfaction. When you have a lack of energy, you feel general fatigue, but within yourself. I don’t want anything, I don’t like anything.
With physical energy, everything is clear. It provides sleep, a balanced diet, physical activity. Cleansing procedures work well. Ensuring a healthy diet, sleep and rest, we keep the balance of all systems, including hormonal.
Continued in the article "How does happiness prolong youth? (part 2)"