I immediately realized that the leg was absolutely wrong.
If I got up from that “leg”, nothing of this would have happened. And now I stood and looked sadly at the fragments of my beloved cup.
“Uh ...” the daughter began, but decided in time not to aggravate. Kotofey, my favorite and prankster, disappeared a second ago in space, feeling inwardly the vibes of negativity in the atmosphere of the apartment.
“Wow, everything is bad with me,” I realized and decided to talk to myself seriously and heart to heart.
Yes, something happens to us every minute.
Someone is immersed in long experiences, for someone it’s like water off a goose.
How to learn optimism and always maintain a good mood?
If you artificially pull a funny mask on your face when a hurricane rages in your soul or tears pour, this is a direct path to depression.
“Tell me,” I said to myself, “what happened, that everything falls out of your hands?”
I went over the events of the last days in my head and looked for what had gone wrong in my picture of the world.
Are you tired? No more than usual. Failures? Nothing that made you stay awake at night and worry. Thank God I learned to hold a punch and not give in to stress.
Yesterday's conversation with a friend? Stop. Something stirred in my soul, and I gradually began to draw something slimy and wet into the white light.
Self-pity! Exactly - yesterday a friend complained for a long time about life, loneliness, work.
You cannot revel in your failures and feel sorry for yourself. Pity will not bring anything good.
Complaints and grievances steal vital energy.
Some people know how to draw energy from others, live by this nourishment, but they do not become happier.
Of course, we are all people, not iron robots. We are sad, rejoice, love, suffer.
How to cope with negative emotions?
You can be sad for a while, and then ...
- analyze the roots of the problems. To perceive difficulties as tasks, stages of the game that must be overcome.
- Engage in that business, those life goals that will bring you joy, happiness, sincere satisfaction. This has nothing to do with the word "must." This is due to the word "want." Yes, you have to be prepared that at the same time you can lose relationships, money, work.
- Look for reasons to laugh, at least smile. Live in today's moments. The past cannot be returned, and the future may not come.
- Take responsibility for the events of your life on yourself. This does not mean blaming yourself! This means stopping looking for the guilty and taking steps to solve problems.
- Remove swear words from the lexicon, fight negative thoughts with physical exercises. Walking at a brisk pace, jogging, dancing give a jump in the hormones of joy.
- Create for your own pleasure! Dance, draw, sing. These classes, if they are your joy, create a positive attitude and optimism.
- Learn to give thanks for any little things. Even troubles strengthen and give impetus to the development of the soul.
- Communicate more with friends live, and not through social networks. Choose optimistic people as interlocutors, “recharge” from them with positive.
- Meditate, compose individual affirmations in accordance with your life needs.
The cleaning techniques “Utilization of Negative”, “Flame of the Bonfire” work perfectly. They help to train the soul, consciousness. My author’s technique of cleansing from the negative works well - the “Magic Spring” meditation.
I closed the diary in which I try to describe everything that is positive that happens to me in a day. My soul was calm. A cat rubbed its legs, demanding its portion of affection. From the kitchen pulled something delicious.
- “Mom, let's go drink tea!” I brewed herbal as you like! ”