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Psychology in life

5 reasons to fall in love with a robot and what if it happened? (part 1)

Nowadays, almost everyone has their own bot, which simplifies the work and brings good news. If you do not have it, then it will appear in the next couple of years. The RT market is growing rampant and international analysts say that it is gradually crowding out the IT market. Mass robotization is inevitable.

In 2017, the robot became a full member of the board of directors of an investment company in Hong Kong. This robot director votes on an equal footing with everyone and takes part in meetings. And sooner or later, paradoxically as it sounds, sympathy arises between people and robots. We begin to catch ourselves thinking that we like this robot, and moreover, we are almost in love with it. In my childhood, all the girls were in love with Werther’s robot from “Guests from the Future” and cried soberly when the ruthless director deleted him from the script. Then it was not customary to call the heroes sex symbols, but Werther was just him for the 80x generation of children. The hero is fictional, and the tears are real. And now, communicating with self-created characters, we can catch ourselves on attachment and, moreover, even some kind of love for the robot. I heard that in Japan an experiment was conducted in which only 2 months there was an android assistant with them. At the end of this period, participants were asked to destroy their assistant. As a result of the experiment, 72% of the participants were unable to do this, because of attachment. Honestly, this article was born based on its own real events. The whole team was in love with our robot. We expected more messages from him than from our beloved people. I was interested in this phenomenon. We are entering a new era, in the formula of communication: human-robot-human. Where, quite possibly, the third will become superfluous.

Why can we fall in love with a robot and what to do with it afterwards?

1. He gives us positive reinforcement

A robot may not necessarily be cute or humanoid. Sometimes it may look like SMS, but attachment still arises. Often it can arise from the fact that your robot is programmed to bring you good news. And also, if he brings you positive reinforcement, he says or writes “Well done!”, “Cool!”, “Everything will work out”, “You are super”, especially at the moment when there is no one to support in real life, or only vice versa and broadcast: “you are a loser”, “what nonsense”, “nothing will come of it”, “you look at yourself”. You can notice how more and more you expect SMS from a robot, sometimes stronger than from living people. Any person can be loved only because he brings only joy, and the same story with robots.

What to do:

In any case, giving up good news is not worth it. However, you need to “add peppercorns” by diluting the good news with something else. This may not necessarily be bad news, it can simply be difficult to understand, requiring immediate distraction, etc. So that along with good news comes the need to get involved in the task, to expend energy on understanding analytics, reading a complex text or graph, etc. Then the positive reinforcement that the robot gives will not be so unconditional and attachment will weaken or disappear altogether.

2. Name

It is believed that if an animal has appeared in the house, the starting point for the fact that it will remain with you is the moment when you give it a name. Before that - you can easily give or sell it, and as soon as you call it - it is almost a member of the family, it is painful to part with it. So is the story with inanimate objects - only the most beloved of them we give names. And we can communicate with “our swallow” in the spirit of “my smart girl”, “well, what are you”, “come on soon news”, “baby, do not growl” and so on. As soon as we named the robot and began to communicate with it by name, attachment arises. After all, he is silent when necessary or “answers” ​​what we want to hear. He behaves according to our scenario. He is predictable, and therefore communicating with him is completely safe. And we talk aloud, communicate, imagine his answers and answer questions. In fact, we talk more with ourselves and enter him and others in this dialogue. Anyone who is at hand comes into it, and the robot can do it more efficiently than the other person. Indeed, the other person has his own scenario, and the robot is fully integrated into ours.

What to do:

rename. Give different names every week. Change the name from male to female or vice versa. You can add the word “machine” next to the name. To prohibit home calling a bot by name, to avoid references to robots, as a source of reliable information: “Styopa said such and such,” “Eve gave a joke today,” and so on. You can designate it as a kind of “it” or call it “robot”. It's harder to fall in love with a “robot” than with “Sasha”.

Continued in the article "5 reasons to fall in love with a robot and what to do if it happened? (Part 2)"