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Psychology in life

Disbelief in one's strength

Photographer: Inzmam Khan
Photographer: Inzmam Khan

“Who am I?”, “I am not ready”, “there are better experts”, “I have nothing to brag about”, “I’m not such a cool specialist”, “let others speak (write an article)”, “I’m a terrible leader, I have no competencies for this.”

These words express fear of seeming incompetent. He devours power and leaves without results and growth. Fear is a kind of "guard" of the body. However, it is he who often hinders development. Now at the marathon many people admit this fear, and I have had bouts of it quite often. Now less often, but sometimes they happen.

A little bit about how to overcome it:

1. Find a support. The unshakable authority on which your knowledge rests. For example, everything that I taught in oratory is based on the Stanislavsky system, which is respected throughout the world. References to the fact that "I didn’t come up with it myself, but Stanislavsky wrote" - helped a lot to establish oneself in the chosen knowledge and to argue the position in disputes.

2. Find someone who is authoritative in your area, rely on him. And it’s better to have 2-3 people who are hard to argue with, because they either have already died or are recognized throughout the world. Rely on them, and it will be easier for you to believe in yourself. After all, this opinion can always be checked.

3. Congratulations, if it seems to you that you are incompetent, then most likely you are already an expert in your field. There is a paradox: the more you understand the issue, the less you know how it seems. According to the Dunninger-Krueger effect, non-specialists generally are not shy about anything. It seems to them that they all know. Therefore, a paradoxical fact: if it seems to you that you are incompetent, this confirms your competence. A bit confusing, but true.

4. Typically, this fear hides the fear of an assessment of "what they say about me." You don’t have to worry about this - even now, when you are not leaning out, they still will not say anything good about you. And then even more so. Therefore, you need to choose 10 of your best qualities, lean on them and move towards the goal. The way you see fit.

5. Concentrate on strengths, secure the rear. You are not perfect. As the others. And that is wonderful. When they took me to work as the CEO of marketing directors, I had a lot of stress. I thought that I could not do anything, because there are no certain talents and skills. I didn’t sleep at night from stress. Then the book of Yitzhak Adizes “The Ideal Leader” fell into the hands and felt better. He writes that no one is perfect, and those who have some skills are completely unfit for others. This does not mean that you need to develop exactly what is missing all your life, on the contrary! You need to focus on your strength and take people with other abilities to your team. As in marketing, you need to advertise what sells best. It is more ergonomic. After that, a normal dream returned to me and a plan appeared. It would seem simple, but this thought needs to be reached.

6. You and your knowledge set is unique. There is no second such person on the planet. Even if it seems to you that “this is obvious”, “everyone knows that”, “this is elementary”. This is not the case for everyone. Even if 2 people listen to the same lecture - each of them is on his own. And remembers from it different things. As soon as you hear the information, you have appropriated it to yourself, and it begins to seem to you that this is obvious to everyone. But this is far from the case!

The most valuable thing in any speech or any article is not the information itself, but your personal author’s selection of information. Your position and your opinion, consistently selected and proven postulates.

Once you have something to rely on, self-confidence appears.