Sooner or later, parents have to ask if they should go on vacation with their child. You can't relax with small children, but it's scary to leave them alone. And teenagers, it seems, will be simply more interesting in the company of peers.
1. To get to know the child anew
Kindergarten, school, mugs, work, home affairs - parents are overwhelmed with a bunch of daily routine, which often leaves them with neither time nor energy to communicate with their children. A short weekend is only enough to recover from the work week. Another thing is a full vacation.
Without everyday problems, it is easier for parents to show their best qualities in communication with their child. A couple of days off by the sea - and the child will finally dare to tell Mom and Dad that karate is not very good for him, but in fact he wants to go to paint. Relaxed parents are more willing to deal with the situation, talk to the child in detail and may decide to choose a new circle after returning home. And while the family is on vacation, you can go to a painting workshop together at the hotel to understand how much the child really wants to stand with a brush at the canvas.
2. Invest in a family
The first years after the birth of a child, parents live in constant stress - almost everything, from how much the child collected last month, to the choice of kindergarten, causes anxiety. Children also become a financial challenge: in addition to the planned increase in costs, there are also unforeseen expenses. It turns out that Mom and Dad simply do not have the opportunity to take a breath and rest.
Thinking about vacation, many parents are afraid that taking a small child with them, they will not be able to relax and fully relax. It seems, it is necessary to wait, while he grows up, and only then to go to travel together. In fact, a week or two at sea will help the young parents to relieve the tension and breathe out, because they can send the child to a children's club - to professional teachers and animators, with whom he will be safe. For example, at the Titanic Deluxe Golf Belek club, children play moving and developing games, make crafts and learn to swim. Here you can learn to draw on your face, make pasta bracelets, take part in a workshop with the characters of popular shows, play water volleyball or just ride on rollers.
3. Help your child socialize
Sometimes it is useful to resort to the help of an animator not only for the peace of mind of the parents themselves. At the preadolescent age (9-10 years old) the child's leading activity changes: the story and role-playing game is replaced by communication with peers, and the child shows great interest in others. Now it is important not only to play, but also to be friends and build relationships with other people. Adults provide all the necessary conditions for comfortable communication with peers, so his help and participation are very important.
By choosing a family-friendly hotel, you give your child this opportunity and prepare them for the next stages of their lives. In children's clubs and game rooms he gets to know other children, does joint projects, learns to choose the company according to his taste - and all the acquired skills will soon be useful for him in high school, camp and in the formation of a circle of communication.
4. Meet other parents and talk to them
After the birth of a child, parents are less and less likely to see their friends and sometimes feel lonely. As a result, it seems that between leisure time with children and their own interests, it is necessary to choose. In a family hotel with a children's program together with you rest dozens of other parents. But this is a real bank of life experience! Someone has already chosen a kindergarten (and can tell about all the pitfalls), someone has a scandal, too, if you do not buy her a chocolate bar in the store, and someone, like you, gave the child to the football section.
Live communication with other parents, who, like no one else, will understand your joys and sorrows, will help to feel comfortable. Funny home stories will immediately come to mind - and the division of leisure into "fun" and "with children" will not seem so logical. Besides, in such a hotel you will hardly meet people who will roll their eyes and shake their tongue if someone's child makes a scandal at the dining table or pee in the pool: they will understandably nod or even cheer up with the words "Nothing, ours does so too!
5. To learn how to give your child freedom
The process of separation begins when the baby is just learning to walk. This is the first time that an adult is horrified when he or she hears a child's "I am myself". And if he does not learn to take into account the opinion of the child, to respect his independence, then he will not be ready to communicate with the teenager. Therefore, it is important to give the child freedom from an early age - it will help him to form personal boundaries and social skills. And parents will learn to control their own feelings and not to limit the child once again.
On vacation, you can give your son or daughter to an animator and be sure that the child not only communicates with peers and chooses the activity to taste, but also is under the supervision of experienced teachers in complete safety.
6. Gaining experience together
Travel is a source of new experiences for both adults and children. For example, my mother never ate oysters, my dad dreamed of sailing on a real ship for a long time, and my son or daughter - to take a ride on an inflatable banana for a boat. Such experience can (and should) be obtained together: joint experiences bring together and remain in memory for a long time.
It is possible to begin with planning a vacation: this way family members will get to know each other's preferences better, children will learn to analyze the circumstances and make decisions, and parents will understand how important it is to listen to the opinion of children. Such a journey is a real family project, which will remain in the memory for a long time.
7. To develop curiosity in the child and in oneself
Excursions - the number one activity on any family trip. However, parents are often afraid that in a long bus ride the child will get bored, and the museum will complain that he is not interested. To solve this problem is quite simple: it is enough to choose excursions which will be really interesting for adults. It is not necessary to argue on a principle "All friends there were, it is necessary and to us to go, we what, worse?
When children will see that adults with pleasure listen to the guide and discuss what they saw with each other, they will be involved in the process. It is an opportunity for them to get closer to their father and mother. As a result, the family will have new topics for discussion, and the children will broaden their horizons and will be open to new experiences. In other words, they will become even more curious.
8. To unite and remember childhood
Football, twister, tennis - the list of activities that can be done by the whole family on vacation, is extensive and includes games for all tastes. Board games will be interesting for both adults and children, and a couple of sets of volleyball will make you feel that the family is a real team.
Most families rarely play with children at home in an organized manner (especially when it comes to teenagers). But a twister round, a monopoly or even a chess game will help wake up an inner child even in the most serious adults. Children of the preadolescent period to play with a parent is especially useful because it is how they learn the world and form links with other people. A couple of evenings of board games on vacation will do much more for your child than it may seem at first glance.