You don't need any reason to eat outdoors, you just need to spread a blanket - an island of your presence - and you can do anything around it: play badminton or volleyball, throw a Frisbee, or just lie on the grass and read a book aloud.
For a family picnic it is better not to have a too comfortable park, where there are quiet glades, where there are no stalls with hot dogs, which could compete with the lovely sandwiches and pies prepared by you.
Cognitive lectures
There are many open lectures: there are lectures in the museum, the Museum of Modern Art and even in the zoo. Lectures can be one-off, but more often than not museums hold them in cycles, gradually revealing different aspects of the same topic. Weekend trips to the lecture halls will be a reason for reflection and joint discussions and can become a good family tradition.
Speed, wind and fresh air - the best way to experience the happiness of a late-spring day is to ride your bike or any other means of transport in the park. The main thing is to have enough wheels for the whole family, and let cyclists compete with rollers to catch up with Daddy on a scooter.
Climbing wall
Read Mowgli to your child for the night and don't make a mistake going to the climbing wall the next day, unless, of course, the child persuades you to go to the zoo. At the climbing site, you can allow your child to demonstrate agility worthy of Baghira's apprentice under the guidance of the rock climbing instructors without fear for the child's health. You will gain even more respect in his eyes, independently reaching the top of the most difficult area.
Jumping on a trampoline
Whereas in the past professional trampolines were only in sports schools, now Moscow has opened trampolines where children and adults can jump to their pleasure. Every member of the family can benefit from jumping on the trampoline - it is an alternative to fitness for the mother, strengthening all muscle groups for the father and developing spatial thinking and coordination for children. It's also just fun - you can jump, scream, wave your hands and nobody will say you're being inappropriate.
Handicraft workshops
It is easy to rotate warm clay in your hands or hit anvil with a hammer with your hands - craft workshops one way or another give way out to the accumulated emotions in ways that are unusual for modern city residents. The resulting poker, horseshoe or clay vessel may not be used often in everyday life, but they will be made by your hands, leaving a pleasant feeling of satisfaction from work.
The theater immerses the viewer in action even deeper than the book - the reader. Two hours of performance can set the mood for all weekends - it can be light fun, light sadness or heavy thinking. A good performance doesn't let you go at once, and it's a good time to discuss the author's idea together. If a child is still young for serious productions, many theatres have performances for children in the daytime, and some even have interactive performances: it is difficult for mobile children to sit on the spot, watching the actors, in which case it is worth considering productions where the audience is invited to participate in the action.
Amusement park
And finally, you can just fulfill any child's dream of taking him to an amusement park. You may think you're doing this for him, but that's only until he persuades you to take a one-time ride together on that scary thing over there, and you won't notice how you'll end up in line for the second cotton candy.
The End.