Parents are often worried about not raising their children. It's very easy to fall into the trap of comparing yourself to other parents or finding some measurable signs of being a good mom or dad. 7 signs that a child has abusive parents. So:
1. Your baby shows different emotions in front of you
We may not want to see so much of our baby's emotions, but a child's ability to express anger, sadness or fear about you is a good sign that she or he is emotionally safe near you.
It is worth thinking about the quality of relationships when children hide their emotions from their parents.
Often this is a sign of a major problem in a child's relationship with mom/dad.
Don't shy away from the baby or distract her from her feelings. Listen carefully and try to understand. This tells the child that you can help her cope with her feelings and understand her point of view.
2. The baby comes to you when she is in pain or when she has a problem
Parents do an incredible job when the child comes to them with their problems. This means that you have set up a safe base for your baby where she can go when she needs to. A good way to encourage your baby is to open their arms and listen to their problems, even if it seems to you to be scanty.
3. The child can discuss their feelings and thoughts with you and not be afraid of your reaction
This is a positive sign that you have open, flexible and receptive relationships with your child. Some parents inadvertently restrict communication with their children because of their behavior.
For example, because of an overreaction to the thoughts or feelings of a baby that dad or mom dislikes. Other parents look so fragile to their children that toddlers don't want to bother dad or mom with thoughts and feelings. I start to worry when my parents say, "My baby is my rock." Parents are a rock, children should not be her parents.
If you need more support, ask another adult for support.
4. Your reaction is not critical and does not hang shortcuts
Good parents do not put labels like "bad", "lazy", "naughty" or "greedy" on the child. If your baby eats a chocolate chip cookie before anyone else can taste it, a wonderful dad or mom focuses on her behavior:
"You ate everything and didn't share it with anyone. It's important in our home to share with your siblings. How do you think you could do this for your family?" It doesn't sound like, "You're a greedy kid. Go to your room."
5. You encourage your child to develop his or her interests and talents
When you encourage your child to develop his or her interests and talents, it helps her to feel what her skills and accomplishments are. This can have a positive effect on your baby through the teens and early adulthood. This approach teaches persistence and helps protect against risky behavior. It's great to succeed in what you love. Sometimes you can see parents directing children's interests to fulfill their unfulfilled dreams. When you force your child to succeed for something for their own reasons, everything can go awry, even if they seem to be doing OK. Children may be frustrated, pressured, and in control.
6. You create boundaries in behavior to keep your baby safe
Wonderful parents guide the behavior of children, setting boundaries and limits. Children who do not limit often end up with a rich list of problems or losses. Borders help children feel loved and appreciated, even if they sometimes break the rules.
Here are some examples of helpful limits: go to bed at the same hour every day, respectfully talk to family members, and prevent a teenager from attending alcohol drinking parties.
7. You correct your mistakes The ability to correct a break with a child is a sign of a great mom or dad. If you have screamed, overreacted or called your baby, it is important to restore your relationship with your baby. Talk to your child about what you would very much like to handle. Explain that you were disturbed by strong emotions and you could not react as you should.
Look for signs that you are a cool parent - teaching your child to read or eat healthy foods, for example - is tempting. But successful parenting is about creating a safe environment for your baby. Create a place where your baby will thrive. It consists of love, respect, and connection with the child.