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Summer Without Gadgets: 50 Ideas for Hiring Kids


If you're really worried about your child's overall development, here are some great ideas for spending the summer without gadgets, Kindness writes.

When children are bored, they are always tempted to get into the gadget. (And, to be honest, parents are also tempted to entrust their children with "electronic babysitting"!). But finding your interests, training your imagination and creativity is something that is much easier to do in the real world than it is in video games and social networks.

Here are ways to get your baby in the summer with something fun, not including gadgets.


Outdoor activities

Children spend most of the year at home and at school, so summer is the perfect time to finally enjoy the outdoors and the fresh air. Did you know that experts recommend that children walk at least 3 hours a day? Here are some great outdoor activities:

  • Build chicken from sticks and branches
  • Plant a plant in the garden and look after it
  • Bring sandwiches and your favorite book, lay a blanket on the ground and have a "book" picnic
  • Go camping
  • Geocaching (playing hide and seek with other people in scenic places)
  • Catch frogs, butterflies and other insects (and then release them)
  • Try to guess the bird on its trawl
  • Swim in the local lake
  • Combat balloons filled with water
  • Camping (even at your own cottage)
  • Go fishing
  • Sprinkle with watering cans
  • Climb into the tree
  • Play-yard game
  • Cycling
  • Try canoeing or kayaking
  • Play hide and seek
  • Take part in the meeting
  • Collect fruits or berries at your local farm
  • Visit the national park

Creative lessons

Summer is the perfect time to give your child a fantasy. Here are some great creative activities for summer days:

  1. Draw chalk on asphalt
  2. Draw finger paints, oil paints or watercolor on the outside (and really smudge)
  3. Create a unique art object with a syringe
  4. Make your own necklace and bead earrings
  5. Learn how to sew
  6. Make a sculpture with aluminum foil
  7. Try yourself in photography
  8. To mess with clay
  9. Come up with what can be done from a cardboard box
  10. Collect some old things and come up with new ones
  11. Sit down on the porch and draw what you see (trees, flowers ...)

Role-playing games

The benefit of story-role-playing for children has been well understood: it helps children to train social skills and emotional intelligence, develop language and the ability to solve problems on their own. It's a great time for games! Here are some ideas:

  • Apply masquerade and dress up in the costumes of different characters
  • Play your favorite fairy tale
  • Build a charming house in the yard and inhabit it with residents
  • Search the treasure for clues hidden in caches

Cognitive activities

Of course, in the summer, children take a break from studying, but that does not mean that they may not from time to time engage in any cognitive activity. On the contrary, when children occasionally learn something on vacation, it helps them to become more involved in the educational process in the fall. Here are examples of such lessons:

  • After building a chicken, go inside and read books
  • Look in your local library
  • Visit the art museum
  • Visit the Science Museum
  • Find out the history of the city where you live
  • Visit historic sites
  • Play games on account, add and subtract
  • Learn how to cook a new dish
  • Learn the basics of financial literacy (how to plan purchases, count the rest, save up for something)
  • Make a musical instrument yourself (for example, a kalimba)
  • Have a summer book club with your friends
  • Play board games that increase literacy and training math skills