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Lessons of happiness from newborns Part 1


They are barely born, so tiny and helpless, but they already have the knowledge we grow up, we lose, as adults. What do we need to learn from our children?


1. Live the present

For the kid who just came into the world, there is no yesterday and tomorrow. There is here and now - that's why he is glad. If you smile at your mother, it is with all your heart and not fear that she is about to move away from the crib. If you cry, then it is inconsolable - and just as much as you want, but as the discomfort will pass, so forget and live on. Newborns do not spoil the present, however imperfect it may be, worries about the future or memories of the past.

2. Enjoy the little joys of life

Kids don't need the most expensive rattles - enough for them to crack or ring. Toddlers happily slap their hands on the surface of the water and do not grieve that the bath is not made of gold. Tap a newborn baby or stroke your cheek - and he will be happy. So our children remind us that the most valuable things in life are free.

3. Cry if hurt or scared

How many adults become psychiatrist patients, simply because they learn to contain and hide negative emotions with age! Newborns do not yet know how to and fear or pain in crying - thus reducing the load on the psyche, and help from the side receive.

4. Focus on the good

No matter how bitterly the hungry baby cries, as soon as he receives breast milk or a mixture - he forgets about the bad (hunger, insults at his mother and all the white light) and sucks with pleasure. Now he has another task - to benefit from food, to digest it well and to fall asleep.

5. Get what you really want

We, adults, know that it is impossible to get everything you want in life. And this lesson prevents us whenever there is an impossible (read: difficult) task. Newborns urgently require food if hungry, affection and attention, if they are bored, and fall asleep in all conditions if they really want to sleep.

6. Look closely at people's eyes

Have you noticed how newborns look closely at their person or their mother during feeding? So they study us, get acquainted with us, evaluate our attitude towards them. If we were not shy to look into the eyes of the other parties more often, we could learn a lot about them - even before the conversation began.

7. To believe in the impossible

Adults themselves frame themselves. Children believe that everyone can fly, even if they wish. As for the newborns - they believe that it is worth the mother to take them on handles, and there will be colic, and gas, and any other children's "trouble" will disappear together. It is significant that it often happens - despite any scientific calculations.

8. Don't get hung up on age

For children - especially newborns - age is not important, they believe that eternity lies ahead.

Adults often use the excuse "too late" (to change profession, go on around the world trip, become a pop star) or "still too early" (to get married, have children, leave parents).

9. Accept help

As adults, we learn pride (and rightly so), but sometimes time and received helping hand saves in the most desperate situation. Have you noticed what a newborn does when he holds out his finger? He grabs hold of him and tries to pull himself forward.

10. Trust people and be kind to them

We are not ready for a good life to suspect the worst of others - many of us were disappointed by friends and betrayed by loved ones. Newborns are smiling at everyone who (regularly and heartily) smiles when looking at them.

11. To be sincere

Although the newborn baby does not yet know what love is, he is able to feel it. And he likes not for something, but just like that. Whatever your social status, financial position, age, and achievements, children either love you or they don't, or they smile at you or they don't. Toddlers do not know how to wear masks - they behave as their soul or mood at the moment. If the child is upset, dissatisfied, angry or cheerful, satisfied, happy - you will find out about it in his face.

To be continued in the next part https://zen.yandex.ru/media/id/5d7253b81d656a00aec13040/lessons-of-happiness-from-newborns-part-2-5d8f8a63a3f6e400ade4f9f1