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Native-Like Fluency in English

Как переделать формальный английский на человеческий язык для резюме на английском

Иногда люди формулируют непонятно, потому что не совсем на английском, а на своей версии английского. И не отдают документ на проверку (или не знают, как проверить самостоятельно).

Другая крайность — это, когда все на правильном английском, но это слишком правильно.

Когда я приехала в Штаты первый раз, мне человек 10 сказали: “Your grammar is too perfect, we don’t speak that way here”. Тут примерно то же самое.

Примеры как переделать слишком формальный английский на более человеческий вариант:

  • Trying too hard: I wish to inquire about the possibility of your company expanding in the near future.
    Simple translation: I’m curious to know if your company is hiring.
  • Trying too hard: My experience thus far has proven that I have a distinguished track record and a penchant for success.
    Simple translation: I have a proven track record in our field, and here’s why.
  • Trying too hard: My most recent job taught me the immense importance of human communication, and why it’s incumbent as an individual to stay in touch with my superiors on all work-related projects.
    Simple translation: I know the importance of constant communication with all team members.

Note: Never refer to yourself as an “individual.” That doesn’t sound sophisticated. It sounds like you’re part of some medical research project.

  • Trying too hard: The work I undertook in my previous position was arduous yet gratifying.
    Simple translation: My most recent job was a challenge, but I came away with terrific experience. For example…
  • Trying too hard: I want to send along a short email and ascertain if you have received my job application. When you have a moment, please send back a correspondence as to the status of my application.
    Simple translation: Please let me know if you have received my job application.
  • Trying too hard: Assisted in the preparation and dissemination of all corporate social media communication with internal staff and outside clientele.
    Simple translation: Created content for the company’s various social media channels.
  • Trying too hard: Served as executive assistant to the program’s executive director, handled a variety of critical inter-office assignments and liaisoned with senior staffers on major national accounts.
    Simple translation: As executive assistant, drafted office-wide memorandums, conducted research for senior staffers and made sure executive director never missed a meeting despite a non-stop schedule.

Note: Don’t be fancy and vague. Tell us exactly what you did. And never use “liaisoned.” Yuck.

Mission Statement

  • Trying too hard: To be an integral and highly productive member of a progressive, forward-thinking team unit and leverage my deep understanding and appreciation of our field to the benefit of myself, my office mates and the clients with which we interact and serve.
    Simple translation: To be a valued team member who will work hard everyday, push myself to learn at each opportunity and focus 100% on helping the company grow and succeed.

Special thanks goes to Danny Rubin and his blog.

В инстаграм я регулярно публикую в сториз практические задания по применению новых алгоритмов самокоррекции (найдите кружочек highlights Practical tasks, там уже более 100 заданий), чтобы выражать себя на человеческом английском в любой момент времени, без того, чтобы вспоминать красивые шаблоны и заготовки.