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Smartnet 24

The best way to find an ideal posting time

Facebook is the social network that is mainly used by businessmen, artists, programmers and top managers from 20 to 50 years. However these categories of people who are most often interested in the news of politics, culture and business. Facebook today can be named the platform where the majority of representatives of professional audiences are present in order to establish certain business contacts.

According to statistics, the best time to post is from 14 to 15 hours, because at this moment audience comes in the afternoon and during the break, many want to find interesting news and leave a comment on updates from friends. All posts that are published an hour earlier engage more reposts, those who need clicks are recommended to show news to a wide range of users after 15 hours.

The most active users of the social network Facebook are on Mondays and Fridays between these weekend’s days, which invariably affects the statistics. So the best posting time is on Thursday and Friday from 13 to 15 hours.

What recommendations should be followed when posting on Facebook?

First of all, it is important to take into account the specifics of a specific target audience, for example, housewives have more free time and can study the news regardless of the time of day, while business people can investigate your posts only at certain hours when they get free from work.

Statistics of visits to the pages of competitors should be studied very carefully, deducing for themselves dependence on the days of the week and time of day.

It is desirable to post news when users are most active, but with the time of posting it is better to experiment, since the best option is whether everyone chooses himself by trial and error.

All news is better to post at the same time, so subscribers get used to the regularity of the appearance of posts. If you post news few times a week, then you can experiment with the days too.