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Management of innovative products: an afterword

After taking our time to consider the course, our presentation and the feedback, we want to share some thoughts about what we have done and could have done better.

First of all, we would like to thank the professor and say that so far that was the best course from ITIM concentration. It was relevant, well structured, applicable and diverse when it come to the form of interaction with students. However, it would be great if the next year the possibility of moving it to the beginning of the semester will be considered, as it is much easier to contribute and devote yourself to the studies and projects when the thesis predefence is still far to come.

Considering our project we agree with the notion that we have not decided what category of users we target, and our marketing campaig was more suitable for early majority, not for the innovators and early adopters as we declared. From the one side, the smart clothing is still a novelty and can be marketed to geeks and innovators basing just on this fact. From the other side, it already provides nice user experience and is ready to be presented to people that care about its characteristics and smoothness of usage.

Thus, we think that it would be better not to narrow down the target audience to innovators and early adopter, but to include early majority as well.