We are happy to announce that we have developed the survey and we are starting the data collection! We will distribute the survey to our potential audience through social media networks. The servey was created on Google form platform and contains 10 blocks of questions. The approximate time to complete the servey is 5-6 minutes so we expect high complete rate. If you are interested to participate in it, please go through this link:
We would also be very glad to your comments on the questions and the question logic. However, if you want to check the survey and not to participate in it - please do not complete the last step, so your results will be unsaved!!
The survey is available from 02.04.2019 to 07.04.2019.
After 7 Aprill, we stop recieving the responds and start the second part of our data collection - semi-structured interviews. The results of the survey will be published approximatly on 10 Aprill.