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Today is the end of our Marketing of Innovative Products project. It was really pleasant to work in a real situation and to have the possibility to think about the implementation of an entire project. We learned about our mistakes and tried to improve the project through all the different steps. Following our presentation in class and all the feedbacks, this article will talk about our last improvements and conclusion. Some points have been rise as our position regarding our competitors, our strategy and our business strategy. A question has been rise concerning people desiring to watch shows at home but without VR headsets and with their friend...
5 лет назад
Results of the survey
To give you a better understanding of people we got in touch with, their demographics, intentions and preferences, we would like to show you full results of the survey. 1. Demographics Gender split of the respondents was almost equal: 55% females and 45% males The age was pretty much homogenous - the overwhelming majority was in the age group 19-25 y.o., and only some of the respondents from the age groups 26-35 y.o. 72% of the respondents were not working students and 28% were workers either full-time (20%) or part-time (8%)...
5 лет назад
4 P Marketing Strategy
Final results of our VR-broadcasting project Product First of all, we want to create a really powerful brand and by developing our high-quality service, touch the sensitivity of our consumers and change their perception of watching/attending events. Our product consists of two parts: VR-hemlet and Content. Both of them play crucial role in creating something higly innovative and cool. Speaking about content, we want to start our service by providing consumers with Music Festivals and Sport games broadcasting. As most people (based on our survey&interview results) are eager to attend these two types of events...
5 лет назад
Start of the survey
We are happy to announce that we have developed the survey and we are starting the data collection! We will distribute the survey to our potential audience through social media networks. The servey was created on Google form platform and contains 10 blocks of questions. The approximate time to complete the servey is 5-6 minutes so we expect high complete rate. If you are interested to participate in it, please go through this link: https://forms.gle/2MT7fAEdpAHkvLsh9 We would also be very glad to your comments on the questions and the question logic. However, if you want...
5 лет назад
Potential segmentation of TA
Before conducting our survey and thanks to our desk-research, some chriteria seems to be more relevant regarding our potential segments (as for example : are fond of cultural events and/or like the new technologies). In order to find our targets, we will directly adress our Research Design to these persons. We will also submit this survey to people that does not seems interested to confirm or infirm it. Our desk-research leads us to some potential segments : Segment 1: young people who like to try new technologies and are fond of visiting different events, including music concerts and sport games...
5 лет назад
What about Research Design?
In this post we are goint to present our research design for our VR broadcasting service. The purpose of our research is to evaluate the consumer response to our idea. In order to to understand this, we need to answer the following questions: 1) What kind of customers are ready to accept the VR broadcasting technology? Sub-question 1: What are the main physical characteristics? Sub-question 2: What are the main social characteristics? Sub-question 3: What are the main psychological characteristics? 2) What value can bring our technology to the customers? Sub-question 1: What are the latent needs...
5 лет назад
The analysis of VR industry via Porter's 5 forces
This article is aimed for analysing VR industry Since its introduction in 1979, Michael Porter’s Five Forces has become the de facto framework for industry analysis. The five forces measure the competitiveness of the market deriving its attractiveness. The analyst uses conclusions derived from the analysis to determine the company’s risk from in its industry. So, for better understanding of what is going on the VR market we analyzed our industry via Porter’s Five Forces. 1. Threats of New Entrants/Potential competitors: Low Pressure From our point of view entry barriers are pretty high, as for...
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The industry of the Virtual Reality
This article aims to show what is VR and what is the market. What is VR ? VR is the experience of a world that does not really exist, by using a headset. This technology creates a 3D world which can be explored and interacted with by a person. Nowadays, VR is transforming the way people connect and interact and gives the opportunity to be immersed in a place as if you were really there. The first goal of VR was to escape the boundaries of the real world. A closer look to the market VR is use with PC, console and phone. From the BtoC perspective, the possibilities of VR are on the gaming, media...
5 лет назад
What is our business model ?
Our project uses a real innovating technology and needs to be democratized in order to become successful. In order to be profitable and win money, we chose a business model, which will be explain in this article. Our business revenues will mainly be based on monthly subscriptions made by the customers. We also aim at making advertisement for other companies on our platform in order to raise funds. Monthly subscriptions The monthly subscriptions seem to be the best way to make money and fidelise the customers. In order to penetrate the market and to gain customers, we decide to launch low prices at the beginning to motivate the customers to subscribe...
5 лет назад
What are the needs in the market of entertainment?
Today, the Russia Market of entertainment knows an important potential of growth. The country counts more than 3500 halls and theatres, 2700 artists and a profit of around 530 millions euros from the tickets sales. Belonging to Intermédia, a Russian citizen spends on average around 300 euros per year for the culture and entertainment. Which means that the market represents a business of over 42,5 billions euros per year, that is synonym to a healthy market. Different types of entertainment, as dance ballet, cinema, music concerts, theatre, conferences or sport games, share the business. The main...
5 лет назад
What are the steps of our project ?
In order to develop our idea on a market, we chose to oriente our analysis and strategy following the steps. 1. Identify the needs of the market In this part, we will study the market of entertainment and put forward the needs existing on it. 2. Explain the potential of VR in this market Here, we will show what is VR and what are the use of VR in the different markets. We will also focus on the key advantages of VR compare to the main competitors. 3. Focus on our potential customers The third step is to explore our potential target, and proceed to the segmentation strategy. After these analysis, we would be able to find our potential positioning on the market...
5 лет назад
Moving forward
Our ideas were mainly about sharing things or moments with other people. Indeed each time we had an idea, it was a service which aimed at making people get to know each other, sharing knowledge or sharing equipment. We finally thought about a platform where people would be able to watch shows online and on live thanks to a subscription to the website and the disposal of a virtual reality helmet. Indeed people would have the opportunity to watch any show available on the platform and have some advantages. The price of the subscription would be less expensive than a place to see this kind of show...
5 лет назад