Before conducting our survey and thanks to our desk-research, some chriteria seems to be more relevant regarding our potential segments (as for example : are fond of cultural events and/or like the new technologies). In order to find our targets, we will directly adress our Research Design to these persons. We will also submit this survey to people that does not seems interested to confirm or infirm it.
Our desk-research leads us to some potential segments :
Segment 1: young people who like to try new technologies and are fond of visiting different events, including music concerts and sport games.
Segment 2: People who don't have too much time to spend on the event (time for the road and all other moments) or who are getting tired quickly because of too many people.
Segment 3: People, who sometimes would love to attend an event, which is located in another place far from them.
Let's see, at the end of survey, who are ouf real cutomers and what are the real needs on the market.