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New Year, New Aims

New Year, new aims, new beginnings, new resolutions... old habits, old routine, old swamp of thoughts... people's judgements, your linear decisions... Nothing seems to match. Life seems to be just a chain of ramdon events, meetings, meaningless one-day friendships, hot coffee that gets freezingly cold too fast and a piece of chocolate to make all this mess more or less bearable.

The constant struggle of what we are with what we are supposed to be is endless. Freud mentioned that fight long time ago, but we dont want to listen to the wise man (propably because lots of what he said was proved to be complete bs, but thats a different story). Our super ego is trying to beat up our humble sad id that doesnt ask for much really. All our modest id wants is just a teeny weeny amount of fun: good food, quality sex and the feeling of being slightly better than others at times. But nooooo, the onmiscient society is trying to insist on that endless list of rules, morales, ethics that are knocked into our heads from the very childhood. Being a child  you are still naive and cherish a hope that when you grow up you can change the world, live by your own rules or even make others follow your rules. But during your adolescence, going through the tough period of vigorously trying to fit in, you forget what your whole plan was all about. So as a result we get a society made up of people torn between their wishes and the idea of a perfect world discharged upon them.

That wisdomous bastard Freud warned us about our dark side that we try to suppress. But our neocortex refuses to admit it, this silly part of our brain keeps on screaming about justice, chivalry and shouting out all other pretentious words striving to hide our unsightly selfish nature somewhere deep down.

Trapped behind the bars of norms, our own fears and our wobbly self confidence we feel like a eagle in a fancy cage with an open door. It sounds like a cheesy cliche, but it kinda works here. We have everything we need for life, we have all the comforts of the world till we stay in the cage. Settled, stable, safe life. But is It enough? The cage is big, but it hurts the wings when you spread them.

But wait, what if our dark side isn't that bad and what we try to suppress only helps us grow? What if breaking some rules can make your world a little bit brigher and warmer? How will your life change if you finally start doing what you enjoy instead of what you are supposed to do?

New year, new aims, new beginnings, new resolutions... Isn't it the right time to spread your wings?