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Virtual reality: what’s going on?


The concept of “virtual reality” obtains more and more interest. Highly discussed Pokemon Go only increased interest to the topic, but the game was never made clear to many users. Is just silly toy or anything useful?

First of all, virtual reality is relatively new phenomenon. As shown by Google Trends, interest has increased only recently and suddenly.

Frankly speaking, to judge of virtual reality as a business is very difficult. The first serious attempt to create a home console called Virtual Boy with “true 3D graphics” can hardly be called successful: without causing significant market demand, the project de-facto was closed in 1 year.

There isn’t much in M&A news about virtual reality. We all remember quite recent deal of purchasing Oculus by Facebook – the company has developed tools for video gaming and became famous for its successful campaign of Kickstarter by collecting $2.5 million intead of initial goal of $250K. Tremendous success!

Perhaps, it is difficult to find a similar niche of technology, where there aren’t billions in revenue and quite often there are no ready-made products, as there are only plans, but complete set of competing giants – Apple, Google, Microsoft, Samsung, HTC and LG. The easiest way to explain this interest – the desire to dominate by creating a new platform for consumer electronics. After all, 40 years of personal computers have snown us the most important thing: you have power and profit, when you have dominant platform on the market. Microsoft is a perfect example. It is just now Apple is one of the main competitors, but Microsoft has already earned billions of US dollars with its dominant Windows platform.

The war of smartphones , more precisely, its different platform is no exception. And this war showed several trends in modern business. Firstly, platform wars are fought and won much faster today. No need to wait for for 5 or 10 years. Secondly, a good software will not guarantee for success. Many companies consider to “lock in” into hardware they own for maximum profit (i.e. iPhone and iOS). Thirdly, even the upstart can become a king (i.e. Apple), and even kings can die (i.e. Nokia).

Understanding these simple fundamentals makes tech giants to move and to move as quickly as possible to at least keep pace with competitors. In 2016 two interesting products will be launched on the market: Oculus Rift and HTC Vive and we will know very soon are we talking about new smartphone or a new Virtual Boy.

Who is Who in the Virtual Reality (VR) World

Facebook/Oculus VR

Facebook acquired Oculus VR in 2014, and has since bought two more VR companies, Surreal Vision and Two Big Ears. Oculus partnered with Samsung to develop the Gear VR.


Google has a new VR platform, called Daydream, which is built on the top of Android N. Daydream – ready phones are scheduled to ship Q3 of 2016.


Apple keeps secret about own plans. When asked about VR, CEO Tim Cook has said, “… I don’t think it’s a niche. It’s really cool and has some interesting applications”.


HTC’ Vive is the only other major “serious” VR headset besides the Oculus Rift. Thanks to its partnership with Valve, the Vive is shipping with a big game catalog and gaming API.


NextVR broadcast live VR content, and has streamed boxing matches, debates, and the Daytona 500 via the Oculus app on Samsung Gear VR. It’s planning to stream more sports and concerts in the near future.


Samsung’s Gear VR, developed with Oculus VR, is the best mobile VR experience you can get today. Compared to the Rift and Vive, the Gear VR offers a wire-free experience without the need for a PC.


Sony will launch the PlayStation VR later this year. The company has expertise with consumer electronics, which could give its headset an edge.

The VR Sets you can buy in 2016

Google Cardboard

The least expensive way to get a taste of VR. Cardboard is what it sounds like, a cardboard viewer that mounts compatible smartphones.


Google Cardboard

Samsung Gear VR

The Gear VR comes with optics and sensors and is the best way to get into mobile VR. But it only works with compatible Samsung smartphones.


Samsung GearVR

Oculus Rift

The Rift comes with over 100 game titles planned to release in 2016. It uses an Xbox One controller, its motion-tracking controllers with ship later this year.


Oculus Rift

HTC Vive

More expensive than the Rift, but the Vive also comes with wireless motion-tracking controllers, and motion-tracking sensors for your room.


Htc Vive

Playstation VR

The Rift and the Valve need very high-end PC rigs to play, but the PlayStation VR is build to play with Sony’s PS4. Scheduled for release end 2016.


Source: http://leonidkurza.online/virtual-reality-what-s-going-on/

Источник статьи на русском: http://leonidkurza.online/ponjatie-virtualnaja-realnost-chto-proishodit-na-rynke/