С предыдущими подборками можно ознакомиться здесь:
That explains it – это всё объясняет
The stigma around mental health exists because people don’t want to think about the problems. That explains it.
It is new to me – первый раз слышу
I know nothing about this film. It is new to me.
If I’m not mistaken – если я не ошибаюсь
If I’m not mistaken, we met before.
All the way – до конца
You behave like an idiot, but I’m with you all the way.
What are you driving at? – К чему ты клонишь?
-Man, you’ve already drunk beer today…
-What are you driving at? Am I an alcoholic?!
Let’s drop the subject! – Давайте сменим тему!
This is pretty hard, let’s drop the subject.
In short/in brief/in a word – короче говоря, если коротко, одним словом
In short, I’ve passed that exam.
The thing is – дело в том, что…
The thing is, this band is not my scene, that's why I’m not going to its concert.
Do you mind me asking - не против, если я спрошу вас о...
Do you mind me asking about your salary? I’m considering working at your company.
Just in case – на всякий случай
Alex won't join us, but I’ll invite him just in case.
Take your time – не спеши
If you don’t know what to say, take your time.
Sorry, go ahead – извините, продолжайте.
I didn’t want to interrupt you, sorry, go ahead.
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