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Concept of Societal Safety

Alcohol, cigarettes and other genetic weapons. Precedence 5.

On the fifth precedence, the conceptual power uses these means to drug the population, without which it is absolutely impossible to realize full controllability. The arsenal of these means is wide and diverse: from a light cigarette and a glass of champagne to technical alcohol, heroin and more severe drugs; but there is no meaningful difference in their purpose, goals and consequences of use. All this range is due exclusively to the diversity of the controlled mob and the need for an individual approach to achieve the final result.

The instrument of drugging as a means to suppress biological systems is quite universal and has long been known. Ill-thinkers introduced into human society the likeness of the insect world. As you know, anthills, like bee hives, are hierarchically organized communities with clearly distributed roles for all participants; among them there are separate "security detachments". A bee that brings fermented nectar is not allowed to enter the hive by guard bees. And after a second attempt, its legs are chewed out and thrown to the ground. Only such strict measures preserve the genetic health of the bee family.

Other insects do not attack an anthill since it is not very promising due to a well-organized confrontation. However, this confrontation with ants is fraudulently bypassed by a lomechusa. Their method is to drug. Lomechusa is able to produce and secrete alcohol from its body. At the initial stage, lomechusas innocuously approach to the entrance of the anthill. A special gland located in the area of the lomechusa's legs produces alcohol-containing secretions and ants try them, get intoxicated, addicted, thereafter their former organization collapses. It all results in ruining this anthill.

A similar technique was adopted during the conquest of America, in the fight against the native Indians. A healthy mind and its accompanying intuition made Indians rather invulnerable. Social ill-thinkers brought the "fire water", which has been proven to work for centuries. After getting used to alcohol, the Indians were provided with moonshine machines with instructions for use. The rest was not long in coming. Today, the surviving descendants of Indians in the United States are displayed as "museum exhibits" on reservations.

God created Man so that the latter was born with a mind that can rely on instincts and listen to his intuitive insights. In intuition, the unruly psyche distinguishes between what comes from God and what is delusions, and, based on this, a person is given an opportunity to build his behavior in harmony with God's Providence. In life, we often encounter situations like: "My inner voice tells me...". Yes, indeed, the higher nervous activity of the biofield, egregorial connections allow a person to draw such conclusions, to feel the state of loved ones at a distance, but on one condition, - if he does not get intoxicated with illegal (heroin, cocaine etc) or legal drugs (wine, vodka, whisky etc).

Alcohol consumption violates the hierarchy of mind in the Universe. A person who consumes alcohol, in principle, deprives himself of the possibility to implement behavioral algorithms that are characteristic of the "humane person" mental system. But the end result of the development of an individual, as well as society as a whole, is not education, knowledge and skills, but a type of psychic formation, a type of social collective psyche. Knowledge, regardless of its quality, is only a tool for a specific type of psyche. A people turns into a mob, and then -into a herd due to the narcotic suppression of the individual and collective psyche. It is impossible to form a sheeple from a sober society.

And now let's consider the physiology of intoxication. The most curious circumstance in this matter is, perhaps, complete ignorance of people on this topic. Is it just a coincidence? No, this is no accident. If this information goes public, the society can significantly sober up; as a result, the drug business will suffer, and questions to ‘shepherds’ may arise.

The thing is that when alcohol enters the blood, it begins to come into contact with red blood cells which carry oxygen from the lungs to the tissues and carbon dioxide — in the opposite direction. Alcohol (ethanol) is known to be used for degreasing and cleaning the surface. In the normal state, the outer surface of red blood cells is covered with a lipid layer, which is electrified by friction against the walls of blood vessels. Each of the red blood cells carries a negative charge, and therefore they have the original property to bounce against each other. The alcohol-containing liquid removes this protective layer and removes the electrostatic stress. In this case, red blood cells acquire a new property, they begin to stick together, forming a kind of clusters, the size of which is determined by the amount of alcohol consumed. In the circle of the informed, this phenomenon is called the grape cluster effect. In scientific terms, it was discovered in the 1960s in the United States.

Our circulatory system in certain parts of the body (brain, retina) has the thinnest capillaries, and the diameter of some of the thinnest of them is smaller than the crosswise size of red blood cells, and the capillary expands as a red blood cell passes through it. Blood clots, that appear in the blood, form blood clots in thin capillaries, which stops blood supply to individual groups of neurons in the brain, as well as the retina. There is "numbness" followed by death of individual micro-parts of the brain, which is perceived by a person as an allegedly harmless state of intoxication. In this state, some of the brain's neurons die. According to experts, 100 ml of vodka irreversibly destroy about 1 million neurons, and to restore reversible consequences on the biofield (first of all, completeness of the "world picture" in an individual's psyche) takes about 3 years provided there is intensive intellectual activity.

Hangover syndrome is nothing more than a process associated with the removal of dead neurons from the brain due to lack of blood supply. The body rejects dead cells, and that is the cause of morning headaches. To remove dead cells in the cerebral cortex, body creates increased pressure via increased fluid flow and, thus, actually physiologically washes the brain. This is the cause of the thirst that occurs after alcohol consumption. A person who took alcohol the night before literally urinates with his former brains in the morning.

Thus, any, even a single consumption of alcohol changes the capabilities of the brain and, above all, its subtle structures that are responsible for the psyche as a whole, the mind and intuitive insights formed on the unconscious levels of the individual's psyche. All sorts of psychic abilities are actually given by God to almost everyone, but not everyone tends to actively develop them, and alcohol consumption completely blocks these normal human abilities or distorts them (an example of this is the situation described by the words "drink oneself blind"). It is no coincidence that the world health organization clearly classifies alcohol as a type of drug, although in the Russian Federation alcohol is not legally considered a drug. Not everyone knows that the surface of the brain of an alcoholic, according to pathologists, resembles a felt surface, excised by a moth.

The theory of moderate beverage is nothing more than a way to get people intoxicated, because everyone goes his own limit. In addition, it is a moderate inebrious, not an alcoholic, who brainwashes the younger generation for a positive attitude to alcohol. Alcohol consumption in small amounts is dangerous because the person and his environment do not record the changes that occur with him at the level of the ordinary human psyche. Its most valuable subtle structures are affected, which lays the groundwork to go to the next stage of alcoholism. A large part of population undergoes the genetic inevitability to violate biochemical processes in the body under the influence of systematic alcohol consumption. As a result, such people are simply not capable of moderate "civilized beverage" and face a choice: either living in absolute sobriety as a norm of life, or killing oneself slowly in alcoholism.

Information about the special damage of ‘moderate beverage theory’ with the assistance of drug lords is strictly suppressed by medicine structures, the church, doctors, imposed traditions, proverbs and sayings. It is a rare case when forbidden information is leaked to periodicals. Let's quote an excerpt from the article ‘Even a glass of vodka accelerates old age’ in the newspaper "Izvestia".

"It seems that doctors will have to reconsider their recommendations regarding safe doses of alcohol. New data suggest that they simply do not exist. For many years, we have been told that gulping down 4-5 doses of alcohol a week (recall that one dose, or "drink", is equal to about 15 ml of pure alcohol, that is, a glass of vodka, a glass of wine, a can of beer) is safe. The report of Professor Andrea Baccarelli from the University of Milan (Italy) made a sensation at the annual conference of the American Association for cancer research. His group proved that alcohol, even in these amounts, accelerates aging and increases the risk of cancer.

It turned out that alcohol even in small doses damages telomeres — the end sections of chromosomes, the existence of which was predicted in 1971 by the Soviet biologist Alexey Olovnikov, and then confirmed experimentally by other scientists. Telomeres are considered our biological clock: with each cycle of cell division, they shorten, and when their resource is exhausted, the cell loses the ability to divide and dies. It turned out that alcohol causes stress and inflammation of telomeres, thus accelerating their shortening.

Italian scientists observed 250 moderate-tippling volunteers, some of whom had four servings of alcohol daily. All of them were about the same age, and other factors were similar: diet, physical activity, stress, and living conditions. The results showed that telomeres were significantly shorter in all those who consumed alcohol. And some of those who consumed more ethanol, telomeres were reduced twice as fast as non-consumers" (Tatiana Bateneva, source: http://www.izvestia.nj/wellness/article3141277/).

German scientists concluded that regular consumption of alcoholic beverages significantly reduces the immune system, and in addition, the substance responsible for protecting cells, restores its volume over a longer period of time.

Currently, it is obvious to everyone that alcohol and smoking, especially among young people, runs rampant and turns into drug genocide and, of course, affects the genetics and health of future generations. People have always been intoxicated with subtle and sophisticated methods. Intoxication is the aim of numerous proverbs and sayings thrown into society, as well as silly suspicions about teetotallers. Most films, both old and new, would surely contain scenes of smoking and alcohol consumption, imbedding into our traditions a hostile, alien behavior program.

As you know, the Koran prohibits alcohol consumption. "Indeed, Shaitan wants to sow enmity and hatred between you with the help of wine and maisir ..." (sura2 5:91). When choosing a faith, back in the 9th century AD Prince Vladimir, accepting the fundamentally perverted teaching of Christ (Nicene Christianity) at that time, rejected the Koranic teaching, calling the ban on alcohol "a reckless statute". This fact testifies that Prince Vladimir was reckless and subordinate to the external conceptual power, because there is not a single study that has confirmed the beneficial effect of alcohol or other drugs on the higher nervous activity and genetics of offspring. It is a means to directly suppress the mind.

1 Maisir is a form of casting lots, a kind of gambling game.

2 In the Qur'an, chapters are called "surahs" in Arabic.

Accepting the Byzantine creed, Prince Vladimir, as the legend tells, said: 'The joy of Russia is beverage...' N. M. Karamzin conveys Vladimir's words in a slightly different version: "wine is an INTRODUCTION for Russians; we can't be without it." Karamzin was a freemason, and those involved in the" world trade union of masons "often blurt out information about the behind-the-scenes reasons for this or that "introduction for Russians". As for us, we perfectly do without wine, and have the right to ask: "'We can't be without it' - is it the voice of Russian blood or the point of view of a foreigner who introduces into Russia a means of implementing a certain long-term program, without which the strategic task cannot be completed successfully?» In the written history, the words about Russian beverage are repeated many times and thoughtlessly when the events of 988 are mentioned. But everyone knows that even to this day, the old believers' settlements, which were brutally exterminated, but still preserved in some places, never touch tobacco or alcohol under any circumstances. They keep much of the true faith and traditions of Russia, despite the traditions imposed by Vladimir in the 10th century.

After the abolition of serfdom in Russia, the rise of the soberness movement began. Village gatherings spontaneously made decisions to close pubs one after another. The tsarist government did not consider it possible to restructure the state budget, in which "beverage" money played a significant role in revenue items, and suppressed the teetotaler movement, using forceful police methods. The church hierarchy remained loyal to the tsarist government.

At the beginning of the XX century, a new rise in the soberness movement began. But when Churikov, in the name of Christ, began to preach absolute sobriety in relation to alcohol and smoking, the Synod forbade him to preach.

M. S. Gorbachev, following the traditions, also "started" a campaign for a sober lifestyle. The love of freemasonry for the preaching of sobriety is understandable:causing a social cataclysm requires social base. The slogan of sobriety, as long as it is not discredited by the government itself, always guarantees in Russia a social base at the beginning of any movement.

The Bible, as we know, allows consumption of wine. Luke (7:34) conveys the crowd's opinion of Jesus Christ: "Likes to eat and have wine." It is not clear, however, how this correlates with the fact that Jesus was a Nazarene, who, as we know, not only lived soberly, but even had no right to eat grapes and raisins. Such details show the basis of embellishment distorting the truthful teaching of Christ. The Bible condemns only intemperance (Luke 21:34). But somehow under what conditions "civilized" beverage to "health and vigor" turns into inebriety and alcoholic genocide, is not mentioned in the Bible. Far from harmless is the ritual of communion itself, which even introduced a new term "church wine". But where is the borderline? If a child can have a spoonful of wine, why can't an adult have a glass?

The most socially dangerous types of alcoholic liquids are beer and champagne. It is them that, as a rule, start movement downward, without them it would be almost impossible to draw women and children into inebriety. The most socially dangerous types of alcohol consumers are "civilized drinkers". They are the ones who bring to society a positive attitude to alcohol, a program of narcotization for the next generation. Alcoholics and sottish people, with their ruined lives, form negative attitudes to alcohol consumption.

Beer and the beer lifestyle play a special leading role in the drug addiction of young people. Beer is in fact not only the most dangerous alcoholic beverage, but due to the peculiarities of its chemical composition — it is a means of mass biochemical irreversible castration of adolescents and young people (for both sexes). At the same time, a violation of the hormonal background occurs even with its moderate and fairly regular use, which does not cause the so-called "intoxication" (i.e., concentration of alcohol in the blood is within the limits allowed by the traffic police) and "beer alcoholism". Those who are convinced that this is not the case can search the Internet for publications by professional biochemists, who, of course, are not sponsored or advertised by the beer industry tycoons.

Cigarette is similar to alcohol in terms of its physiological effects on the human body, as it leads to the same disorders of the blood supply to the brain, although using different mechanisms. With cigarette smoke, a wide range of toxic substances enters the bloodstream through the lungs of a smoker. The body's defenses are activated, the blood vessels begin to spasm and contract, preventing toxic blood from penetrating into the subtle structures of the brain.

British scientists have found that every 15 cigarettes cause one mutation in the human genome. They have proven that smoking damages more than 300 genes. Most of all, the immune system suffers, because the influence of nicotine provokes formation of cancer cells.

Real eradication of drug genocide involves total exclusion of the use of any type of drugs, and above all the most common of them i.e. alcohol and cigarettes. However, freedom from alcohol is possible only at the worldview level for a person who is aware of alcohol as a subtle tool of global controlling, undermining the genetic potential of several future generations. Use of any drug, including cigarettes and alcohol, at childbearing age is guaranteed to ensure certain deviations in the psyche, mental abilities and health of future children.

Ideas about the dangers of alcohol are stored in the subconscious of the people, in the oldest native Russian customs and traditions, characteristic, as already noted, in particular, for old believer settlements. Russian traditions are based on the deepest ideas about the system of the Universe, although not expressed at the level of consciousness in lexical forms in the form of generally recognized scientific theories.

Since ancient times, unlike many other countries, chastity was revered in Russia. This custom, which is now being ignored, has developed and strengthened the genetics of offspring over the centuries, although this was not achieved on the basis of conscious information. The fact is that conception and development of the fetus is associated not only with its primary female and male cells, but is largely determined by the biofield processes that accompany the maturation of the fetus. If a woman had only one partner, then the development of such a fetus occurs with complete harmony of the material, biological component and accompanying energy-information field characteristics of a father and mother.

If there are several partners and conception happens from one of them, the unborn child develops under the serious influence of the biofield characteristics of each of them, which are present in the maternal biofield and the biofield inadequate to the original genetic material which "deforms" the child. In this case, we have a child who has inherited many of the bio-field characteristics of other partners, which leads to an imbalance in the process of his development. The strong influence of field characteristics on the newborn is a long-established fact. A woman who has had a long-term relationship with one, but conceived from another, may have a child on various grounds similar to the first partner.

The biofield component of inheriting the qualities of "fathers not by sperm" is called telegony. These situations are especially clearly confirmed at the level of the animal world. Repeated attempts to interbreed a male zebra with a mare did not result in conception. However, the stallion-covered female horse produced zebra-striped offspring. The chastity stored in the spirit of the Russian people is not a sign of ignorance and backwardness from the "civilized" world, but a sign of true refinement that comes from the depth of the centuries.

As for the so-called sexual revolution actively imposed on us, the cult of debauchery and perversity, the waves of pornography and eroticism ravaging the nation, all this is not done to entertain us and make life more interesting and rich. The telegony effect that goes along with debauchery is one of the most dangerous and insidious ways to undermine the genetics of a people, leading to its degeneration. They use genetic weapons against us that we don't recognize as such. The traditions of most peoples, if not strictly prohibit, then condemn marriage with a "spoiled" girl, preventing the undermining of generic genetics via telegony effect.

It turns out that frequent contemplation of naked female charms, as a rule, results in serious diseases in men, especially the prostate and related diseases. And the "civilized part" of humanity will die not from a nuclear bomb or lack of resources, but from an excess of colored images and scenes exploiting the reproduction instinct. For the same reason, the planet will be dominated by Muslims. Such an apocalypse is proved by a famous doctor who trained the first Soviet cosmonauts, the author of a monumental study "Psychological anthropology of stress", academician Leonid Kitaev-Smyk. The most interesting thing is that the conclusions of an absolutely secular scientist closely echo the postulates of the main religions that taboo excessive eroticism. Over the past decades, diseases of adenoma (a benign tumor) and prostate cancer, as an epidemic, affect men in the countries of European-American civilization. By the beginning of this century, 40% of men have adenoma, and of those who are older than 40, it is a half. In the United States, pathologists detected prostate cancer in 80% of men who died over the age of 60. In other words, many of them simply did not live to see the tragic manifestations of this disease. But the paradox is that in Muslim countries, there is no such growth in male cancer!
The same source indicates that the old Russian culture is a culture of chaste beautiful women's clothing! Women's clothing covered the body with spacious, long-brimmed dresses, apron dresses, never skin tight and in no case highlighting the breasts. This clothing being bright, festive, multicolored attracted a man, but without erotic appeals. And this is not a requirement of some moral controllers, but natural selection. In the long run, only those ancestral lines that adhered to these traditions survived, preserving the health of their kind, the ancestral genetics. Many women of the XXI century literally dig a grave for men's health with naked body parts and low necklines. Each of these beautiful women engenders men with disabilities. Strippers are "weapons of mass destruction" that have already turned Western civilization into a society of sick men.

However, telegony is a means of strategic influence, and in the tactical aspect, the arousal of reproduction instincts under the influence of pornography in inappropriate circumstances is a turn of many individuals to the animalistic type of psychic formation and to the corresponding circle of interests, in which there is no place for interest in the fate of their own, that of their relatives, their country, humanity. Thus, pornography, as a means to influence the psyche of people, and imposed by mass culture, provides someone with a monopoly to implement a certain policy in relation to the victims of the "morsel".

It should be noted that the topic of alcohol is the most difficult in term of psychology. A person who is not familiar with conceptual information, in most cases, categorically avoids any conversation on this topic since stereotypes formed in his childhood are still daily maintained. He is absolutely sure that this is his personal choice and his own business. The idea of personal choice is the most profound misconception. No one is born focused on alcohol and, in fact, on self-harm, on the destruction of the subtle structures of the brain and the oppression of God-given opportunities. Any born person is so skillfully placed in a specially organized information environment that his ideas, ultimately, get filled with an illusion of personal choice where, in fact, there is a malicious, insidious, and financial calculation of a third party that extracts financial and other benefits therefrom.

So now, for Russia, only one question remains :" will the Ivans follow in the footsteps of the Chingachguks?»

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