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Native-Like Fluency in English

Авторитарный стиль обучения. Альтернативы. Истинная роль преподавателя. Подкаст на английском

A NEW episode on teaching is out.
"The true role of a teacher and what it takes to help a student become their own teacher".

Новый подкаст про методы обучения. Для всех, у кого есть дети, кто преподает сам (неважно, какой предмет) или сейчас в роли студента.

  • Авторитарная система (которая все еще преобладает) и на каком мышлении она держится,
  • Роль преподавателя
  • Природа процесса познания
  • Альтернативный взгляд и мышление, которое лежит в основе.

"What avail is it to win prescribed amounts of information about geography and history, to win ability to read and write, if in the process the individual loses his own soul; loses his appreciation of things worthwhile, of the values to which these are relative; if he loses his desire to apply what he has learned, and, above all loses the ability to extract meaning from his future experiences as they occur?" John Dewey.