ELN Insider, "Behind the Scenes", Issue 70, 2018
Часть 2: начало интервью с 00:00 до 03:55 (всего 40 минут)
CEO Фейсбука отвечает на общий вопрос о том, что он считает основными проблемами (the most important issues) и даёт пояснения относительно своей позиции и реакции на произошедшее и происходящее.
00:00 - 00.52
(interviewer - ML, MARK Z - Mark Zuckerberg)
НАЧАЛО (приветствия, благодарности, smalltalk)
ML: (to the audience) Be seated!
ML: Mark ... It's a great pleasure! It's cool to have you (in) here in Paris!
ВИДЕО Ссылка 1 (Facebook) NB! Общий обзор интервью в 1-ой части, там же ссылка 2 на видео всей конференции.
Mark Z: Thank you for having me!
(no .. no .. .. I'm glad to be here)
ML: Thank you. Thank you for being with us!
I really appreciate ... And they* know that ... when I wrote to you ... you almost* accepted immediately
... and I really appreciate (it) ... It's great!
SO ... A lot has been said recently ... about ... Facebook, data, Cambridge Analytica
Honestly, I didn't want to cover that,
but you said "no, no, no"
Mark Z: (but) we have to!
ML: We have to. Do it upfront!
what I('d) like to hear from you is ...
(ML: to the audience: S'il vous plaît!)
is .. ok
"How have you reacted to this?"
"What has* been the most important issues for you?"
and maybe you can share with us a few of your own feelings?
ЗАМЕТКИ НА РОЛЯХ colossal blunders (stupid or careless mistakes)
(у ML c анлийским не очень - особенно печалит ошибка на порядок слов "almost accepted immediately" - cмысл получился "вы почти согласились сразу", то есть, если так, то Марк не согласился, получается (почти согласился = всё-таки не согласился, что-то помешало), а правильно "accepted almost immediately" - практически сразу согласился ... в общем, Mark Z улыбался всю дорогу, видимо, сделал в уме скидку на то, что ML не носитель языка и к нему хорошо относится; остальные косяки (has вместо have в последнем вопросе, например, или использование they вместо you в filler-е "you know", отмечены звёздочкой) сильно на смысл сказанного не повлияли)
0.52 - 04:3 Mark Z:
Sure. Well, you know,
we're facing
a number of really important issues
right now.
you know,
the way
that I've found out
about this is ...
(вот тут то, что в языке называют false start (фальш-старт), их ещё далее несколько будет: говорит до середины предложения, потом останавливается, начинает совсем новое - это НОРМАЛЬНО. Пишу специально для готовящихся к устной части разных экзаменов - устная спонтанная речь характеризуется некоторым количеством фальш-стартов, и ХОРОШИЕ экзаменаторы об этом в курсе, потому они легко отличают зазубренное наизусть от спонтанного)
... For ... most of Facebook's existence,
we've focused primarily on all the good
that connecting people
and that technology
can bring.
As we've grown, we've seen
all these people around the world
have gotten access to
new tools
to stay connected
with the people and communities
they care about.
In Paris, here,
you know,
after the ...
the terrible terrorist attacks
a number of years back
(you know)
people used the tools
to ... to be able to ...
to tell their friends and family
that they are safe
and to show support for ...
for people
(Cкрипт хорошо показывает, что есть natural hesitation, а также показывает, какой тип повторов, по идее, не должен никак наказываться на устных экзаменах по языку - repetition (повторы) cлужебных слов (for / to / and) и местоимений (we) - см. примеры выше и ниже, в каких случаях, как и фальш-старты, абсолютное нормальная фича устной речи)
Around the world
there are more than
70 million small businesses
that use
our tools
in order to reach their customers
and to grow
and ... and more than half
of these small businesses
that use our tools
have told us
that they are able to grow
and ... and hire more people
because of using our tools.
what's clear now
is that
in addition to that
we ... we didn't take
a broad enough view
of how people might be able to use
these tools
for harm as well.
And that goes for
all of the issues that you've mentioned
for fake news
for interference in elections
for hate speech
for ... erm developers
potentially using the tools
in ways
that don't respect people's privacy.
we need to take
a broader view
of our responsibility
to make sure
we're not just reacting
to issues
as they come up,
but we are
out there
to prevent any issues
from happening
and going forward.
(And, you know)
if your look at a ...
... For most of the company's history,
the way that we've dealt with
bad inappropriate content
or bad actors
When people can go on Facebook,
they can say what they want.
And if there is an issue,
then someone in our community will flag at us,
and we'll look at it.
And I don't think that's enough now
with the current issues
that we see
around hate speech and fake news.
We need to be building systems
using AI and other technologies
that can go out and
detect the stuff
We are hiring thousands of people.
By the end of this year,
we're gonna have
more than 20,000 people
at the company
working on security and content review
to make sure that
that we're proactively helping
to get rid of bad content;
just to give you one example
of an area where .. where
I'm really proud of our work ...
In terrorism, for example,
of the ISIS
and al-Qaeda related content
that we take down
is flagged
by our AI systems
before any person
in our community
reports it.
that ..
I think
is a big deal
and is an example of
the kind of work
that we can do
using our AI systems,
hiring thousands of people
to ... to be more proactive.
When .. when you look
across the other issues
that we face
whether that
protecting election integrity
making sure
that countries like Russia
can't interfere in other elections
like they tried to do
in the 2016 US elections;
we just have a lot of work to do here
and we're ..
we're confident
that we can get in front of this,
but what* really IS
the top priority
for the company right now
is making sure
that we are doing
a good job on this.
NB! Это была 1/10 того, что он сказал, то есть можно ожидать ещё 7-9 выпусков с продолжением скрипта.
Вы только что дочитали 70-ый выпуск серии ELN Insider, "Behind the Scenes", 2018
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