A real war begins suddenly. (Kill the dragon)
Negroes eat people! People are their national food! (Crown of the Russian Empire)
What one person has make, the other always can make out. (Love Formula)
We have forgotten how to do little nonsense. We stopped climbing out of the window to our beloved women... (The same Munchausen)
Soon you will wear a wooden mackintosh, and music will play in your house, but you will not hear it! (Operation "Y" and other adventures of Shurik)
Panikovsky will sell you all, buy and sell again. But already more expensive. (Golden calf)
When I was young, I also had a grandmother. (Welcome, or not welcome)
We are strangers in this celebration of life. (12 chairs)
Лайкни, если понравилось и подписывайся на мой канал. Будем учить английский вместе! )
А это - ссылка - на мой канал в Телеграм. Он будет полезен всем, кто хочет выучить английский. В легкой, запоминающейся форме я рассказываю о грамматике, ежедневно публикую короткие тексты на английском, идиомы, слова. Подписывайтесь!
It's even better to live better!
28 апреля 201828 апр 2018
~1 мин