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Diet of cosmonauts: main features


The cosmonaut diet is one of the most stringent, but at the same time effective. The name of the technique explains its main principle. It is rather difficult to endure such nutrition to the body, and for passing the entire course you need to have strong health and endurance.

What is the essence of the diet of cosmonauts?

The essence of the diet is the observance of two basic principles.

1.Reducing the number of calories consumed.

2. Increase the amount of protein in the diet with a strong reduction in carbohydrates.

During the course of losing weight fat is burned, and muscle mass remains unchanged. It is due to the fact that the body spends much more energy on digesting protein foods than on digesting carbohydrates, which contributes to the rapid loss of fat mass.

With the correct exit from this power system, you can save the result for a long time. It is these factors that distinguish the cosmonauts diet from other similar diets with diet restriction.

Disadvantages of the diet

Despite all the obvious advantages, this method has significant drawbacks. Firstly, this is a monotonous menu, which quickly bothers you. Secondly, during the diet the body loses a large amount of calcium. In most cases, dizziness and nausea may occur.

The absence of carbohydrates and fats can adversely affect the work of many organs, including the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, as well as on the condition of hair, skin and nails.

Doctors and nutritionists also have enough claims to the diet of cosmonauts. For example, too much protein consumed in the absence of carbohydrates and fats. The excess of such food greatly slows down its assimilation, and only a completely healthy stomach will be able to digest such a quantity of protein. The rest of this diet is contraindicated.

When losing weight, the body volume decreases, and the skin begins to sag

Another drawback is a quick weight loss. This is due to the fact that many people start to consume a large amount of carbohydrates, thus contributing to the return of excess kilograms.

Unbalanced nutrition leads to a lack of vitamins and trace elements in the body, so while dieting is worth taking vitamin-mineral complex.

In addition, with such rapid weight loss, the skin may hang, which is unlikely to make you happy if you are aiming for a slender and beautiful body.


What are the contraindications?

There are many contraindications to the diet:

1. categorically forbidden to lose weight on this system to pregnant and lactating women;

2. Do not diet to people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

3. a greater risk of complications in those who suffer from kidney, liver and cardiovascular diseases.

Basic principles and rules for better results

he diet of astronauts implies not only strict adherence to the proposed diet, but also the adherence to certain rules and principles.

1. This is a protein diet, which assumes almost complete absence of carbohydrates and fats in the diet.

2. Before the diet should be a preparatory period, during which you need to gradually reduce the intake of carbohydrates.

3. The daily ration is divided into 4 meals. When there is a feeling of hunger, you are allowed to drink a glass of skimmed yogurt.

4. From the diet, you must remove any fats, potatoes, all confectionery, sweet fruit, sausage, juices and nectars, honey and high-grade bread. Prohibited to eat salt, sugar, all spices and any other food additives.

5. The amount of portions is not specified separately. It is allowed to eat as much as necessary in order not to feel hunger, but adhering to the daily menu. However, it does not change, but remains the same for all days of the course.

6. To remove toxic substances from the body, it is necessary to drink a large amount of ordinary water without gas, about 1.5-2 liters.

7. The diet is designed for 20 days, but if you do not have more than 10 kg of excess weight, then the program can be calculated for 10 days.

8. The diet of this food system does not provide for sports because of its scarcity. Fitness is allowed only after the course is over.

9. It is important to get out of the diet correctly and gradually, otherwise the result can not be saved.

10. Do not stick to this diet for longer than 20 days. It is desirable to repeat the course no sooner than in a year.


Allowed products in the diet is extremely small. These include:

1. spoiled milk;

2. tea or coffee without sugar and other additives;

3. low-fat cottage cheese;

4. eggs;

5. bouillon;

6. boiled chicken without skin;

7. fish or other types of dietary meat.